Why I support Obama


The U.S. Supreme Court today rejected the Labor Department’s interpretation of federal law and ruled that thousands of SmithKline Beecham sales representatives were exempt from overtime rules.
The decision is a rebuke to the Obama administration, which argued that some 90,000 drug reps and so-called detailers across the pharmaceutical industry should be covered under the 1938 law designed to protect workers from exploitation and excessive hours. In a 5-4 decision along traditional conservative/liberal lines, the court ruled that the Labor Dept. deviated from long practice by determining that sales reps who in this case earned more than $75,000 a year were equivalent to hourly workers on an assembly line.


There are now approximately 90,000 pharmaceutical sales representatives; the nature of their work has not materially changed for decades and is well known; these employees are well paid; and like quintessential outside salesmen, they do not punch a clock and often work more than 40 hours per week. Other than acquiescence, no explanation for the DOL’s inaction is plausible.

Let me know the last time a pharmaceutical rep put in 40+ hours of actual work? You cannot count sitting in a lobby, going grocery shopping between calls, going to the gym at 2 and picking kids up at 3 when the rest of the working world is busting their asses for a third of the pay.

This is an attempt at the administration to:
The changes help the White House in its efforts to gain the support of labor unions, which have been struggling to increase white-collar membership as their industrial base shrinks.

We all support Obama... Financially, that is. That parasite has lived on the taxpayer's dime his entire life.

What irony. There's no bigger parasite in the world than a pharm sales rep - a 6-figure salary for 20 hours of work a week delivering samples and providing free lunches to people who despise you. You've lived large all your career on what amounts to a corporate welfare check but you've got an attitude. It's time to bring you into the real world, which is spelled c-o-n-t-r-a-c-t

I honestly don't have any problem with someone going out and making it on their own as long as it was done ethically, and i understand there are degrees of that. However, what we have seen in the past few decades is a tying in of special interests with politicians. Remember the one percent would never have been the one percent if it wasn't for politicians controlling the strings. I believe their relationship used to be 50/50 but nowadays, I feel the special interests have more like a 90/10 relationship with politicians. Politicians aren't really even needed anymore for the 1%, which I find amusing that the one percenters are always seen as business people. The top ten richestembers in congress all qualify for the 1% titled and 7 of them are democrtes.

See if you support Obama next fall when the company does its benefits and you see how much your $ for benefits will increase for supporting this expensive health care plan which was explained to have been just the opposite. When we are all paying for every drug addict, alcohilic, obese, high cholesterol, etc. person you will get the picture. This will continually be a huge financial drag on workers with an aging boomer population, etc.

I honestly don't have any problem with someone going out and making it on their own as long as it was done ethically, and i understand there are degrees of that. However, what we have seen in the past few decades is a tying in of special interests with politicians. Remember the one percent would never have been the one percent if it wasn't for politicians controlling the strings. I believe their relationship used to be 50/50 but nowadays, I feel the special interests have more like a 90/10 relationship with politicians. Politicians aren't really even needed anymore for the 1%, which I find amusing that the one percenters are always seen as business people. The top ten richestembers in congress all qualify for the 1% titled and 7 of them are democrtes.

Yet you have no problem working for one of these unethical groups: Its called Pfizer and the Pfizer PAC.