Why I must tell the truth

Everyone who works at Quest Diagnostics with a pay grade north of an entry level billing clerk, knows exactly who HTH is and wouldn’t dare to question his identity. Sounds to me like you are a total nobody.

Wow. Sounds like this HTH guy is both revered and feared by QDx. Total package. He should reach out to the billing clerks once in a while. They really can benefit from knowing him.

To Quest Diagnostics,

I am sure you understand and agree that you do not care about spelling, punctuation, or even sentence structure.
What you obviously care about is losing business that was purchased through an acquisition. You most likely did not expect that the representatives hired from Fresenius/Shiel would take the business out the back door while gainfully employed by Quest.
So, if I may rehash what has been stated:
1. Reps have not followed covenants
2. They were working for Quest at the same time as working with, AccuReference, Sherman, and a few accounts brought to Accurate, and Lenco.
3. You still have a few reps working for you that have brought business elsewhere.
4. Afraz has brought accounts other than City Md. To Sherman Abrams. Manny is the "front man" handling his accounts and others at Sherman.
5. I would also like to add that you are on the right track, ask these accounts questions and they will answer.
We have told you the 100% Truth. No exaggerations at all!!!

6. The complete truth will come out at some point on many fronts, most of these individuals have done much more than merely taking business from Quest.

The merry go round, goes round and round...

Until it doesn't

The damage will be incredible.

The damage is already done. Your soul has been saturated with your own poison. It’s 1:00am. You are still up, logged on to CP and posting nonsense that you desperately hope someone will care about. But they don’t. No one cares about your stupid opinions and they never will. Let it go. Free your mind and your spirit will follow. You are lost now, son. Find the path. Take the journey and discover the real truth. The meaning of life and the purpose of your existence. Hope this helps.

The damage is already done. Your soul has been saturated with your own poison. It’s 1:00am. You are still up, logged on to CP and posting nonsense that you desperately hope someone will care about. But they don’t. No one cares about your stupid opinions and they never will. Let it go. Free your mind and your spirit will follow. You are lost now, son. Find the path. Take the journey and discover the real truth. The meaning of life and the purpose of your existence. Hope this helps.


The damage is already done. Your soul has been saturated with your own poison. It’s 1:00am. You are still up, logged on to CP and posting nonsense that you desperately hope someone will care about. But they don’t. No one cares about your stupid opinions and they never will. Let it go. Free your mind and your spirit will follow. You are lost now, son. Find the path. Take the journey and discover the real truth. The meaning of life and the purpose of your existence. Hope this helps.

Doogie. You need to let it go. And then have a willing surrogate burp you.

To all who are concerned

I recommend you study the FRESENIUS annual report.

If you think you are innocent do not worry but if you did some things that you know are illegal

I guess we will have problems but as the thread is called


Enjoy your weekend

Oh I forgot

Speak on Monday

To all who are concerned

I recommend you study the FRESENIUS annual report.

If you think you are innocent do not worry but if you did some things that you know are illegal

I guess we will have problems but as the thread is called


Enjoy your weekend

Oh I forgot

Speak on Monday

Yes and we will all wait breathlessly for that. What will we do until then, Basement Boy?

Snort, suboxide, and smoke like it's 1999, does that sound like a plan until we wait?

Are you aware that it was 1:00am when you posted this pointless comment? Even though your route doesn’t start until the afternoon, you are expected to look presentable when wearing a Quest Diagnostics uniform and you have been entrusted to safely operate one of our company vehicles. The word “representative” is part of your RSR title, son. You best pull yourself together, demonstrate the maturity and exercise the responsibility that this position demands. Hope this helps.

Are you aware that it was 1:00am when you posted this pointless comment? Even though your route doesn’t start until the afternoon, you are expected to look presentable when wearing a Quest Diagnostics uniform and you have been entrusted to safely operate one of our company vehicles. The word “representative” is part of your RSR title, son. You best pull yourself together, demonstrate the maturity and exercise the responsibility that this position demands. Hope this helps.

Big breath in. Breath out. Wipe the hypertensive sweat off your forehead. Now let it goooooooo.

Big breath in. Breath out. Wipe the hypertensive sweat off your forehead. Now let it goooooooo.

Can’t sleep? What’s the matter, son? Skippy not giving you anything again? You know we all call her that because she’s cheap and spreads smooth and creamy. Although, she’s also more that a little chunky these days. I know it’s counterintuitive, but marriage can really ruin a relationship. Perhaps it’s time to move on. Hope this helps.