Come on people, Man Up. Instead of whining about NCM and lack of training, please post constructive solutions to what the NCM has done to us, done to the industry. Fact, we were Fortune 500 # 1 six years in row. Fact, we were rated as one of the best, clinically astute sales forces in the industry. Fact, Merck reps had better access than anybody.
If you are going to stay in the industry, If you have any self-worth left at all, stand up for a needed change in our training. No one can take solid sales, market and clinical experience away from you. It translates to other positions, it translates to other organizations. Demand a change now. Market research shows that physicians are seeing well trained reps that bring value....We have to get our edge back. Get rid of the clique that is leading the training department.
In other words, are you saying we need to rage against the machine?