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Why does Baxter promote non educated staff into management positions?


I have worked for several large pharma corps, but never like this. It seems Baxter does not place a high value on education. I have watched over the years of staffers getting promoted into management positions without having a degree. What type of message does this send to those that did spend the time and money into earning an degree? I feel that if you stopped in high school then you should not be in any form of management within Baxter. At least create a provisional period where the person would attend school and work towards a goal of earning a degree.

Is my thinking wrong here. I know there are favorites and it is obvious that these scenarios play out because of that, but how is it justifiable. I'm all for pooling talent from within the company, but not if it involves people with High School diploma's.


I have worked for several large pharma corps, but never like this. It seems Baxter does not place a high value on education. I have watched over the years of staffers getting promoted into management positions without having a degree. What type of message does this send to those that did spend the time and money into earning an degree? I feel that if you stopped in high school then you should not be in any form of management within Baxter. At least create a provisional period where the person would attend school and work towards a goal of earning a degree.

Is my thinking wrong here. I know there are favorites and it is obvious that these scenarios play out because of that, but how is it justifiable. I'm all for pooling talent from within the company, but not if it involves people with High School diploma's.

In college English it is taught that an apostrophe, s indicates possession while an s without an apostrophe indicates plural.

Hmmm...maybe this person didn't have the same background as you, where education wasn't encouraged or valued. Or, maybe the initial plan was to go to some form of college, and then a parent died and they had to go to work to help the family. College/University is fantastic, and today, coming out of high school, it is practically a necessity to secure a better job.

What I "majored" in 15 years ago is hardly relevant to what I do today. If this person has the work experience, has been mentored and trained as s/he has moved forward, and has demonstrated capabilities in leadership, management etc, cut them some slack and be respectful of their achievement and the fact that they could move ahead - sort of an against the odds situation.

If you believe that to contribute more to the organization you need an advanced degree, I challenge you to do an inventory of where/why that would benefit you or Baxter. I think you may find that outside of specific coursework (i.e. Six Sigma) you may be wasting your time and money. After my spouse finished their MBA, I realized that it would not be overly beneficial to me to go back to further my employment position (it may have been helpful if I had zero work experience and did it at 22). Instead, I audited a few courses where I thought it would help. With this person, you have no idea of what they have done outside of work, other than they don't have a degree. Ask the hiring managers what specific skills/projects etc you need to do if you want to move ahead - and concentrate on real world results, not a piece of paper. Good Luck.

In college English it is taught that an apostrophe, s indicates possession while an s without an apostrophe indicates plural.

Thanks! I struggle with the english language as it is my fourth language spoken. I appreciate the advice of others. I still feel a person must demonstrate the drive to educate and invest in oneself.

Thanks! I struggle with the english language as it is my fourth language spoken. I appreciate the advice of others. I still feel a person must demonstrate the drive to educate and invest in oneself.

Baxter rewards employee loyality and not education. I found some very stupid people in managment. As to your grammar, it is fine for a discussion board. I have troublw witht he writen word and it's my native tongue.

I have worked for several large pharma corps, but never like this. It seems Baxter does not place a high value on education. I have watched over the years of staffers getting promoted into management positions without having a degree. What type of message does this send to those that did spend the time and money into earning an degree? I feel that if you stopped in high school then you should not be in any form of management within Baxter. At least create a provisional period where the person would attend school and work towards a goal of earning a degree.

Is my thinking wrong here. I know there are favorites and it is obvious that these scenarios play out because of that, but how is it justifiable. I'm all for pooling talent from within the company, but not if it involves people with High School diploma's.

Let's be real here folks. True Baxter seems to promoted non-degreed individuals.
Yet, there are plenty of morons, who are mean spirited that have degrees!
I love this one, eveyone list the Kellog school for thier MBA, the part time one!
Anyone can get in the executive one, try the FULL one, 2 year program!

Most of these "degreed" people are frauds!
Look at Keeley, no sales experience, she has led no team except a bunch of high school grads at the sales ops role.
Let's face facts, it's all politics, Deerfield is full of politicians.
Degree no degree- just butt kissing, politicians all of them.
Cruelty and ineptness exists irrespective of education or degrees!

Every title she has held, her direct reports have seen her incompetency first hand. Title, after, title, after title. Please name one piece of value or idea?

She has compromising pictures on Parkinson!
It's the only reasonable explanation!
She should have been fired 3 roles ago!
Keeley must go!

Every title she has held, her direct reports have seen her incompetency first hand. Title, after, title, after title. Please name one piece of value or idea?

True at every role here in Deerfield and Round lake she was incompetent at every stop!
The only people she likes are ones that are so inept she looks brilliant- which
you have to pity those folks they must be REALLY STUPID!

She should go back to accounting! Her personal skills would never be so distinguished
in any accounting office!

This same pattern is in every division of Baxter. Promote the inept and keep the talented people from being promoted.

The CVP of HR is simply an incompetent HR Leader and not doing her job which us Shareholders are paying her $2.2 million, just ABSURD!!!! Rise up the talented people of Baxter and protest to Bob!!!

The CVP of HR is simply an incompetent HR Leader and not doing her job which us Shareholders are paying her $2.2 million, just ABSURD!!!! Rise up the talented people of Baxter and protest to Bob!!!

Bob be part of the problem, when he cannot rid this organization of self important, incompetents like Keeley and they do not wonder why their is a wake of bodies in her
path, but yet her organizations still fail? Makes one wonder

This same pattern is in every division of Baxter. Promote the inept and keep the talented people from being promoted.

No it is much worse, we promote the inept, the talented leave!
mediocrity is what remains at Baxter, a mediocre organization with mediocre talent!
Look at the people we have leave year after year!

In Deerfield all the other healthcare companies laugh at the morons at Baxter