I was told when I first entered this field to not decide whether I like it or not until I did it for at least a year, preferably two. I felt much the same as you do for much of the first year. In those days we worked alone, if your territory prospered, it was due to your hard work. If it failed it was due to your lack of hard work. Not much in the way of managed care to speak of, people paid cash or their insurance covered their medicine. The best succeeded and the others lost. I found myself working very hard but success was coming. As a result, I learned to enjoy the job. In those days your manager was helpful, respected you and you respected your manager.
Today things are different. Teams or pods are the order of the day. Much of your success is predicated on the availability of your drug on local formularies. Managers are scared to death. Reps are scared to death. The economy stinks and people are trying to hang on by the skin of their teeth. That being said, it's hard to understand why they complain so much but I guess that's human nature. There are aspects of this job I love, aspects I could do without.
You seem to have a level head on your shoulders. Hang in there for at least a year and see how you feel. When you begin to develop relationships with your offices things will get better. Do your job as best you can, find things away from work to help you enjoy life. You are not defined by your job, you are defined by your mind.
Never let the bastards get you down.