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Why Do Poor White Male Southerners Vote Republican?


Year after year and are still poor? What’s the appeal of someone like Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue to them? I mean those 2 wouldn’t be caught within 10000 feet of them as in their PJ in the sky.


Year after year and are still poor? What’s the appeal of someone like Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue to them? I mean those 2 wouldn’t be caught within 10000 feet of them as in their PJ in the sky.

Year after year and are still poor? What’s the appeal of someone like Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue to them? I mean those 2 wouldn’t be caught within 10000 feet of them as in their PJ in the sky.
Wrong question! The real question is why do blacks across the nation vote Democrat year after year for decades now and are still poor?
Oooops! You’re little meme just got blown to bits!

And please lets get rid of the tax exempt status for churches which are political arms of the evangelicals..I totally blame them for ruining this once great country.
Since you’re obviously a total fool, I’ll splain it to ya!
Separation of church and state!
Second, if churches didn’t get tax exempt status than NO organization will!
But I’d kinda like it if it did happen, you only think the evangelicals are running this country! Tax their churches and they’ll be all up in your business, so you best hush!

Year after year and are still poor? What’s the appeal of someone like Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue to them? I mean those 2 wouldn’t be caught within 10000 feet of them as in their PJ in the sky.
Because they are not overly bright. They think Republican give two shits about them. They are also usually clinging to guns and religion.

Because they are not overly bright. They think Republican give two shits about them. They are also usually clinging to guns and religion.

Trump just loves the bible! It's his favorite book, Two Corinthians; those little crackers that make ya feel so good? And he holds the bible upside down, the way it was meant to be held. :p

Trump just loves the bible! It's his favorite book, Two Corinthians; those little crackers that make ya feel so good? And he holds the bible upside down, the way it was meant to be held. :p
It’s hilarious how you resort to such juvenile stunts. It’s evident how much Trump’s substantial policy decisions defending Christians’ religious rights bugs you! LOL!