Why do people take pictures of the CoE awards and post them on LinkedIn?

Got it. So, if we could just all be YOU, then everything would be ok. Just adopt YOUR values and mirror YOUR actions. Because, apparently anytime we don’t do that, we are narcissistic, bad for the company image, etc.

You have a really high sense of self, all while trying to play the “humility” angle. It’s hilariously hypocritical. Why not climb down off that high horse for a few minutes and recognize that you don’t have the cornerstone on right and wrong. You’re just an egomaniac who thinks you do.
It’s just an opinion you C U Next Tuesday. Take the meds your doc Rxed you for your anxiety. You have lots of opinions too which is why your husband left and your kids still hate you but novo loves you. Take a breath and relax.

It’s just an opinion you C U Next Tuesday. Take the meds your doc Rxed you for your anxiety. You have lots of opinions too which is why your husband left and your kids still hate you but novo loves you. Take a breath and relax.

Yes. I understand it. Your opinion is that if everyone were just like you, they would be better people. No one confused that with fact. I promise you.

Also, I’m a dude. Still married. Kids still here. Again, your opinion about my life is a stupid one. But, I bet if I acted just like you, then you’d assume I was blissfully married and everything in my life were perfect, right? Your narcissism is hilariously sad.

Yes. I understand it. Your opinion is that if everyone were just like you, they would be better people. No one confused that with fact. I promise you.

Also, I’m a dude. Still married. Kids still here. Again, your opinion about my life is a stupid one. But, I bet if I acted just like you, then you’d assume I was blissfully married and everything in my life were perfect, right? Your narcissism is hilariously sad.

I think the assumption (not opinion) that was made about you being a sad and desperate housewife was because you sound like one. You surely have more important things going on in your life with your wife and kids other than coming on CP to defend novo? Negative comments are what employees come on to read. There are plenty of other places to read about all the positive novo does. But I guess we’ll all just let it go. There’s no arguing with the novo CP monitor. Moving forward we’ll only talk about all the great things novo does. And, go…

I think the assumption (not opinion) that was made about you being a sad and desperate housewife was because you sound like one. You surely have more important things going on in your life with your wife and kids other than coming on CP to defend novo? Negative comments are what employees come on to read. There are plenty of other places to read about all the positive novo does. But I guess we’ll all just let it go. There’s no arguing with the novo CP monitor. Moving forward we’ll only talk about all the great things novo does. And, go…

Got it. You like to cry about stupid things like a little bitch and wallow in the mud with your fellow little bitches. At least you finally stepped up and owned it. Good for you. Self awareness is the first step in moving on to a better place.

“I am honored and Humbled…”
Maybe these people are looking for another job?

The bigger concern is customers seeing the Hawaii sign and scenery in the background. Many of us are making more money than most of our customers and will all of the bad publicity around the prices /cost of prescription drugs this doesn’t look very good. Show some discretion!
Send your grandma a pic on email or Facebook if you have to.

Got it. You like to cry about stupid things like a little bitch and wallow in the mud with your fellow little bitches. At least you finally stepped up and owned it. Good for you. Self awareness is the first step in moving on to a better place.
Nobody is crying. As a matter of fact, we are laughing at you. You need to do a little self reflection and realize just how ridiculous your replies sound. Are you going to continue to reply to everything until people stop posting? Everything on and about CP is childish. People are venting. Enough already. Stop policing the novo threads. You are an annoying douche.

Nobody is crying. As a matter of fact, we are laughing at you. You need to do a little self reflection and realize just how ridiculous your replies sound. Are you going to continue to reply to everything until people stop posting? Everything on and about CP is childish. People are venting. Enough already. Stop policing the novo threads. You are an annoying douche.

Ha! ha! Do you even read your own posts? You acknowledge that “everything on and about CP is childish”, but then you get offended when someone points it out?

You don’t get to decide what people post on here. You’re welcome to disagree with me just like I disagree with you. I’m not asking you to quit posting in here. I am just pointing out that you’re being an asshole. Why does it offend you so much to read something that doesn’t agree with your childish, crying rants? You can skip over what I write (just like you can skip over those pesky LinkedIn posts that bother you so much). But, the only one attempting to police who posts and who doesn’t is you. My pointing out that you’re being a crybaby over something stupid is different than you trying to get me to quit posting at all. So, next time, just read what you wrote and follow your own advice, numb nuts.

Ha! ha! Do you even read your own posts? You acknowledge that “everything on and about CP is childish”, but then you get offended when someone points it out?

You don’t get to decide what people post on here. You’re welcome to disagree with me just like I disagree with you. I’m not asking you to quit posting in here. I am just pointing out that you’re being an asshole. Why does it offend you so much to read something that doesn’t agree with your childish, crying rants? You can skip over what I write (just like you can skip over those pesky LinkedIn posts that bother you so much). But, the only one attempting to police who posts and who doesn’t is you. My pointing out that you’re being a crybaby over something stupid is different than you trying to get me to quit posting at all. So, next time, just read what you wrote and follow your own advice, numb nuts.
Ok I’m an asshole. I’m a crybaby. I think you are an asshole and a crybaby too. Is CP childish and stupid? Yes. Just like I enjoy coming on and reading about the debacle that is novo and commenting on it, you enjoy disagreeing with me. It’s venting. We are boring everybody. Enjoy the time left you have left at novo.

Ok I’m an asshole. I’m a crybaby. I think you are an asshole and a crybaby too. Is CP childish and stupid? Yes. Just like I enjoy coming on and reading about the debacle that is novo and commenting on it, you enjoy disagreeing with me. It’s venting. We are boring everybody. Enjoy the time left you have left at novo.

I will. And you keep enjoying wallowing in childish garbage and crying about people’s social media accounts.

And before you go there, yeah I’ve got a few including APIS Cup.

So what’s up with these people ? Are they THAT insecure that they have to post pics of glass and crystal lined up on their kitchen counter?

Is that what gives people fulfillment?

picture of your awards of they didn’t happen. Clearly you are in a pid of 3 and didn’t do crap to win those awards? Just a thought.

Think about what you said Ms. LinkedIn-expert.

So, you’re saying that’s someone that’s connected with me (all 2273 of them), might be connected to someone who’s connected to the CoE award poster and that’s why I see it. And so that’s why they show up on my feed.
That means they show up on anyone who currently works or formerly worked in pharma. Yeah, that’s a small number of people you dumb-ass.
I don’t know them and so therefore I can’t like it dislike them. I’m just commenting it’s stupid, insecure and not a good look to those who prescribe or pay for our meds.
Absolutely accurate

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