Why did it take a disaster to remove these bums


Why did it take 3 blown product approvals and slow aricept 23mg sales to get rid of all of these senior mangement bums. They have been useless for a long time and everyone knew it yet they remained in their job. I know a lot of you think the missing name from the "You're Fired!" list is OB. I personally don't have a beef with OB. The person who oversaw all these errors was LC. How can the person responsible for all the mess not be fired. Even OB wasn't responsible for the 3 blown product approvals.

Why did it take 3 blown product approvals and slow aricept 23mg sales to get rid of all of these senior mangement bums. They have been useless for a long time and everyone knew it yet they remained in their job. I know a lot of you think the missing name from the "You're Fired!" list is OB. I personally don't have a beef with OB. The person who oversaw all these errors was LC. How can the person responsible for all the mess not be fired. Even OB wasn't responsible for the 3 blown product approvals.

LC failed miserably with the #1 thing a smart CEO should do - surround himself with the biggest and brightest team he could find and who possess all the experience and knowledge he is lacking. Look at who he chose! How could he possibly have succeeded? You get what you give Lonnel and soon you will really be getting yours.

LC failed miserably with the #1 thing a smart CEO should do - surround himself with the biggest and brightest team he could find and who possess all the experience and knowledge he is lacking. Look at who he chose! How could he possibly have succeeded? You get what you give Lonnel and soon you will really be getting yours.

Yes, but now success is around the corner with his commercial team of OB and DT! Just you watch.

Yes, but now success is around the corner with his commercial team of OB and DT! Just you watch.

Hey, got the sarcasm and justified. Still doesn't Naito need to expain the company in shambles to his bosses (the board of directors)? What did he know and when did he know it? Will he have to pay the ultimate price for not watching the US shop? Can you guys remember the spin we were fed at meetings from the stage? They kept talking about eritoran as if it was a sure thing..Ohhh...maybe need a second trial but no sweat, and Aciphex ER great answer to loss of patent. What now?

LC failed miserably with the #1 thing a smart CEO should do - surround himself with the biggest and brightest team he could find and who possess all the experience and knowledge he is lacking. Look at who he chose! How could he possibly have succeeded? You get what you give Lonnel and soon you will really be getting yours.

I totally agree with you. Get rid of all of the people who actually have experience and surround yourself with primary care leadership? Real smart........

LC fired CS becasue she was smarter than he was.

Really? Don't you think that he fired CS and LM because they were delusional, power hungry dictators? How many times did you hear those two say from the stage "you are lucky to have a job"?

Leadership by intimidation is not my idea of leadership. If you like that sort of thing, find a company that's like that, but that's not what Eisai was built on - and not what Eisai needs to turn around.

Hey dumbass,

Are you happy now? Are we better off today? What the fuck are you talking about? Aren't OB and LC power hungry too? Haven't they treated us with disrecpect? Isn't OB using intimidation in everyone of his VM? Assholes like you gave us OB and LC and now we have to deal with these bastards.

Attacking CS or LM used to work a year ago when we didn't know about the alternative. We now know the alternative and we have had it with the team of LC and OB. They fucked us 100 times worse. Bring the old regime back any day of the week and we will be 100 times happier.

When CS and LM were here, they took care of the sales force. CS never used the stage to tell us that everything was good. Remember that in Maui when she talked about the challenges? Remember she told us that we have to reinvent ourselves to fight the challenges? Now compare that to the LC's speech a few weeks ago. LC is a BSer and his BS going to cost us our jobs.