Why are you still at MNK? You are better than that!!

I'm sure they're doing it, but wait until the DOJ reports what they find under the hood at MNK.

Not only is there the Acthar and opioids debacles, but the company tripled the price of IV acetaminophen upon buying Cadence. Not to mention the grossly-overpriced nitric oxide program MNK controls since the buyout of Ikaria a few years ago. Competition for acetaminophen and nitric oxide are coming soon which will kill both products.

Seems like every move this company makes ties back to greed. Even Jim Cramer says stay away.

Looks like JR is giving up on Neurology. IS will continue to grow now that the FDA has approved a new 2.5 million dollar gene therapy for babies, so a new cost center has been established. Neurology has lost a lot of great people and now with no true leadership, get the nails out for the coffin. Sad, sad day for Neurology.

This thread is wrong, anyone at VP level or above isn't "better than that"- they are exactly what they are.
High level cast offs from other companies for reasons- most were and will never be leaders.
Many can be descried as self serving, self absorbed, ego centric narcissists! But not leaders

Acthar will live on and I will continue to sell it because it benefits the patient!!! End of story. Haters will always hate

Ignorance or arrogance? Does not matter, they are both twins of the other.
No one is hating- it is facing your reality.
Acthar may have benefits but not at the price you set at, Hugh.

Lick my ballz redneck ho mo janitor
Always surprises when someone supports this ridiculous company, even in crude terms.

This is a story of arrogance, ignorance, ineptitude, poor decision making, and greed. Thankfully they still offer PAP for Acthar because regardless of what is said on this forum, Acthar can work and help patients with a reasonable side effect profile. There are other therapies in other spaces that offer less benefit for similar pricing. There are of course therapies that offer more benefit for less price.