Could it be the reps in Tom's region finally realize no matter how many business plans they put together for him, no matter how hard they try for him and no matter how hard they suck up to him, Tom doesn't appear to promote most of his reps nor will he hire them internally for account management positions within the region so reps are finally moving on where they can finally be appreciated? The irony is most of his region is made up of reps that came over with him or came over from the constant invasion from tablets. There are almost no original MVD folks left yet Tom appears uncomfortable hiring his own people for these account management positions that have recently come available. He rather hire outside the company or bring over even more tablet folks, bypassing his loyal lapdogs. How sad.
It sure seems like quite a few hard working S2's have left, moved to other divisions or went to WestPoint in the last few months. Some of them were Tom's biggest cheerleaders. Can you believe it Tom? Some people don't want to waste their lives trying to impress you anymore, which is impossible, because they figured out it gets them nowhere. They also realize doing a worthless special project for you is not the equivalent of getting stock options anymore either. I guess life isn't so levelset in Tommyland anymore.