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Why are so many Managers so terrible at their job?

Why are so many Managers so terrible at their job?

1. The corporate world breeds fake leaders with no tact.
2. Most managers go into management to work less. They want to watch you work.
3. They are naive and ignorant to how the world actually functions.

In short, managers today are the ones barking orders for the sake of the company owners. Most don't know they are doing this. They also have more job protection for this role.

Your move is to PRETEND you are always working hard when they are watching, but RELAX and cut corners when they are not looking.

This is the ONLY way you will ever make it in the corporate world. If you do anything different, like actually bust your butt all day for these people. you will wear down and not function properly.

Because no matter how hard you work and care, they will never be happy with that effort. They always want more from you. Don't fall into their trap. Do what I said. If you don't understand what I am writing, then slow down and read it again and follow my instructions.

Good luck and remember that you are doing them a favor by taking these terrible jobs, its not the other way around like they lead you to believe.

1. The corporate world breeds fake leaders with no tact.
2. Most managers go into management to work less. They want to watch you work.
3. They are naive and ignorant to how the world actually functions.

In short, managers today are the ones barking orders for the sake of the company owners. Most don't know they are doing this. They also have more job protection for this role.

Your move is to PRETEND you are always working hard when they are watching, but RELAX and cut corners when they are not looking.

This is the ONLY way you will ever make it in the corporate world. If you do anything different, like actually bust your butt all day for these people. you will wear down and not function properly.

Because no matter how hard you work and care, they will never be happy with that effort. They always want more from you. Don't fall into their trap. Do what I said. If you don't understand what I am writing, then slow down and read it again and follow my instructions.

Good luck and remember that you are doing them a favor by taking these terrible jobs, its not the other way around like they lead you to believe.
Well put!

1. The corporate world breeds fake leaders with no tact.
2. Most managers go into management to work less. They want to watch you work.
3. They are naive and ignorant to how the world actually functions.

In short, managers today are the ones barking orders for the sake of the company owners. Most don't know they are doing this. They also have more job protection for this role.

Your move is to PRETEND you are always working hard when they are watching, but RELAX and cut corners when they are not looking.

This is the ONLY way you will ever make it in the corporate world. If you do anything different, like actually bust your butt all day for these people. you will wear down and not function properly.

Because no matter how hard you work and care, they will never be happy with that effort. They always want more from you. Don't fall into their trap. Do what I said. If you don't understand what I am writing, then slow down and read it again and follow my instructions.

Good luck and remember that you are doing them a favor by taking these terrible jobs, its not the other way around like they lead you to believe.

Absolutely agree with #2 experiencing it right now.

For people who actually like sales and are good at it, it doesn’t mean can execute ANY skills managing people regardless of having gone through a “development” program. Experienced that too.

I have "bobbed and weaved" through this industry in 25 years.
Downsized six times despite great numbers, evaluations, etc.
If it was not for the "breaks" I had over the years, I would have left this industry a long time ago. This industry sucks the life out of a person, because no matter how hard you work, it is never good enough for them. Even after I won President's Club, I was told "what next", what plan do I have now. It is a total mess. And now, I think the job is more micromanaged than ever, and the pay is not good compared to how much silly games we have to play.
My advice to people is really think about what you want out of life and stop making the paycheck the number one priority. Make a plan of escape, in other words, and implement it as soon as possible.

If you make this industry a "career", you will suffer, mentally, physically, and spiritually, because you are in an industry that induces much harm to society.

and if you don't understand this, you are living in denial or are just not very intelligent.

I have "bobbed and weaved" through this industry in 25 years.
Downsized six times despite great numbers, evaluations, etc.
If it was not for the "breaks" I had over the years, I would have left this industry a long time ago. This industry sucks the life out of a person, because no matter how hard you work, it is never good enough for them. Even after I won President's Club, I was told "what next", what plan do I have now. It is a total mess. And now, I think the job is more micromanaged than ever, and the pay is not good compared to how much silly games we have to play.
My advice to people is really think about what you want out of life and stop making the paycheck the number one priority. Make a plan of escape, in other words, and implement it as soon as possible.

If you make this industry a "career", you will suffer, mentally, physically, and spiritually, because you are in an industry that induces much harm to society.

and if you don't understand this, you are living in denial or are just not very intelligent.
35 years for me. Always an entrepreneur, thank goodness. My full time rewarding career pinnacle. All DMs can’t sell. That’s why they “manage” or “coach” please. My best managers left me alone. And I won PClub 8 times. Get out. It’s a bad career and not worth anyone’s time. And, I’m way above those Bad Managers now. Sweet Revenge!

I have "bobbed and weaved" through this industry in 25 years.
Downsized six times despite great numbers, evaluations, etc.
If it was not for the "breaks" I had over the years, I would have left this industry a long time ago. This industry sucks the life out of a person, because no matter how hard you work, it is never good enough for them. Even after I won President's Club, I was told "what next", what plan do I have now. It is a total mess. And now, I think the job is more micromanaged than ever, and the pay is not good compared to how much silly games we have to play.
My advice to people is really think about what you want out of life and stop making the paycheck the number one priority. Make a plan of escape, in other words, and implement it as soon as possible.

If you make this industry a "career", you will suffer, mentally, physically, and spiritually, because you are in an industry that induces much harm to society.

and if you don't understand this, you are living in denial or are just not very intelligent.
Good post. I’ve been out of the industry for a while and like you did my 25 years w/ the last 10 excruciating. Most recently I happen to see an old PFE Regional brag on LinkedIn that finally retired after 30. I had to laugh of the level of ass kissing his old DMs did over there. STILL!!! Most of them did nothing but create havoc and witch hunts on a routine bases. None of them had anything of value to offer ever except so called coaching which was little more than petty findings. This is what Pharma is all about, chaos, pettiness and witch hunts. If that is what you thrive in I have to tell you there is more to life. Pharma isn’t a career anymore. It is nothing like it was 25 years ago.