Why am I working today?

Your lack of intellect is only rivaled by your lack of spelling and writing skill. You don't know a damn thing about who and how many will be retained or not. All any of us know is that the deal will be completed in September and that Teva has agreed to follow our severance policy. I would guess (yes, guess) that we will all know how they will move forward with our respective jobs in late September at the earliest. I am hopeful that I will have a crack at staying on. If it is based on performance, yearly appraisals and manager input I feel good. But, it could come down to my territory being one that doesn't fit and I will take my severance and find something else. Remember, a little over a week ago we were headed down a incredibly bleak path with Valeant. Under the circumstances this isn't nearly as bad. A reasonable chance at staying on with a good company or leaving with a good severance is 100 times better than a virtual guarantee of being laid off with a shitty severance. But, at the end of the day, we all need to make decisions that are best for us. I'm holding tight to see what happens.

Hey idiot, of course it was to do with location, it's ALL about where you live and the territory your in. NOTHING to do with performance.

Example: if 5 people in the New York area made presidents club last year... Do you think they would keep them all? Even though Teva already has a strong presence in that area ?

Again, if you live/work in a big metropolitan area, and have a smallish geography, your all but finished! End of story. I understand reality of this is still tough to swallow but do not fool yourself into thinking past performance will have any impact of their decision. It's location, location, location. Teva has a nueroscience division which has a full salesforce. So if they do decide to keep Nuvigil, it's a isomer that can be taught to their current sales force very easily.

Hope I didn't spell anything wrong lol

Hey idiot, of course it was to do with location, it's ALL about where you live and the territory your in. NOTHING to do with performance.

Example: if 5 people in the New York area made presidents club last year... Do you think they would keep them all? Even though Teva already has a strong presence in that area ?

Again, if you live/work in a big metropolitan area, and have a smallish geography, your all but finished! End of story. I understand reality of this is still tough to swallow but do not fool yourself into thinking past performance will have any impact of their decision. It's location, location, location. Teva has a nueroscience division which has a full salesforce. So if they do decide to keep Nuvigil, it's a isomer that can be taught to their current sales force very easily.

Hope I didn't spell anything wrong lol

You are a naive boob. Do you know anyone whose been laid off before. I have and there are many ways to figure out who goes and who stays. I know one who got laid off based on zipcodes as you said. Another was determined by an average year end rank over a period of time, I think it was 3 years. Another literally had to interview for his own job, along with his counterparts. So, Einstein, how the hell do you know how Teva will determine layoffs?

You are correct, but you are also an unbelievable tool.

Okay...anyone that is still calling people a tool needs to revamp their insult list. The freshness date on that one has expired.
I think most people agree with me on this but if people start to wonder why they are working...just check your bank account every two weeks and see the paycheck deposit for your answer.
It really just comes down to ethics, character, and integrity and whether or not you actually have any. The old saying is that integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is watching. I don't think anybody is saying you have to like working right now under these circumstances but that is when you suck it up and do it anyways. Nobody can tell me that they if stay home all day or just don't work that there isn't any associated guilt feelings or some angst about possibly getting caught. At the end of the day, you have to live with yourself and I would feel like a major schmuck if I was taking money from someone and not working for it.

Okay...anyone that is still calling people a tool needs to revamp their insult list. The freshness date on that one has expired.
I think most people agree with me on this but if people start to wonder why they are working...just check your bank account every two weeks and see the paycheck deposit for your answer.
It really just comes down to ethics, character, and integrity and whether or not you actually have any. The old saying is that integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is watching. I don't think anybody is saying you have to like working right now under these circumstances but that is when you suck it up and do it anyways. Nobody can tell me that they if stay home all day or just don't work that there isn't any associated guilt feelings or some angst about possibly getting caught. At the end of the day, you have to live with yourself and I would feel like a major schmuck if I was taking money from someone and not working for it.

Schmuck? Really?

wait, you mean integrity, like cephalon raising the price of provigil more and more and more until people have to choose between medicine and rent? like that kind of integrity?

wait, you mean integrity, like cephalon raising the price of provigil more and more and more until people have to choose between medicine and rent? like that kind of integrity?

Please find any pharmaceutical company that doesn't raise the price of a medication before it goes generic before you try to single out Cephalon. And like the guy with the eagle picture said...Nuvigil is half the price and we have coupons that you can use.
Besides...for the purposes of this conversation, do you think that reps make the decision to raise the price of a med? We have nothing to do with it, nor have we ever written a prescription for a patient. If you are choosing between medicine and rent, you should evaluate your expenses. Both of those things are usually a must...you might want to evaluate how you spend your money on other things before you eliminate either medicine or rent. If you need the medicine that bad, find a place to rent that costs less. If you need both, get on a government plan and thank the lord you live in America where we don't just let our poor people do without housing or medicine.

what an ignorant moron you are!
33 million without insurance, just last month 10 million (mostly children) not knowing where their next meal will come from in AMERICA, richest country on earth.
Many seniors do NOT have a choice and the luxury of choosing where they will live or whether they can pay rent or not as they cannot work anymore, its the jerk ass pharma companies like Cephalon who raise the price of drugs through the roof just so the higher ups can get fat and retire early. Did you not read the Board of Directors contract stipulations for when Cephalon gets sold??
Why can we walk across a border to Canada and pay 2 dollars for a drug that sells for $400 in the good old USA my friend?? You, as a rep, have more power than you think, by standing up, or moving on to an ethical company.
As soon as I can I am so out of here, TEVA and all.

what an ignorant moron you are!
33 million without insurance, just last month 10 million (mostly children) not knowing where their next meal will come from in AMERICA, richest country on earth.
Many seniors do NOT have a choice and the luxury of choosing where they will live or whether they can pay rent or not as they cannot work anymore, its the jerk ass pharma companies like Cephalon who raise the price of drugs through the roof just so the higher ups can get fat and retire early. Did you not read the Board of Directors contract stipulations for when Cephalon gets sold??
Why can we walk across a border to Canada and pay 2 dollars for a drug that sells for $400 in the good old USA my friend?? You, as a rep, have more power than you think, by standing up, or moving on to an ethical company.
As soon as I can I am so out of here, TEVA and all.

What are you waiting for?? SEE YA!!!

what an ignorant moron you are!
33 million without insurance, just last month 10 million (mostly children) not knowing where their next meal will come from in AMERICA, richest country on earth.
Many seniors do NOT have a choice and the luxury of choosing where they will live or whether they can pay rent or not as they cannot work anymore, its the jerk ass pharma companies like Cephalon who raise the price of drugs through the roof just so the higher ups can get fat and retire early. Did you not read the Board of Directors contract stipulations for when Cephalon gets sold??
Why can we walk across a border to Canada and pay 2 dollars for a drug that sells for $400 in the good old USA my friend?? You, as a rep, have more power than you think, by standing up, or moving on to an ethical company.
As soon as I can I am so out of here, TEVA and all.
If you can walk across to Canada and buy it for $2, go for the walk. Same for those in the Mexicn border. The drug pric es in Canada are government controlled. Move there. Enjoy the FREE health care, Free drugs and the exhorbitant tax rate that pays for all the FREE stuff.

what an ignorant moron you are!
33 million without insurance, just last month 10 million (mostly children) not knowing where their next meal will come from in AMERICA, richest country on earth.
Many seniors do NOT have a choice and the luxury of choosing where they will live or whether they can pay rent or not as they cannot work anymore, its the jerk ass pharma companies like Cephalon who raise the price of drugs through the roof just so the higher ups can get fat and retire early. Did you not read the Board of Directors contract stipulations for when Cephalon gets sold??
Why can we walk across a border to Canada and pay 2 dollars for a drug that sells for $400 in the good old USA my friend?? You, as a rep, have more power than you think, by standing up, or moving on to an ethical company.
As soon as I can I am so out of here, TEVA and all.

I think this says more about capitalistic greed in America than it does about any one company or industry. Auto, Oil, Insurance, Pharma, manufacturing, cable/satelite, etc. They all want more and more money. Greed is the reason. Enough is never enough. That capitalistic mentality may be a big reason behind why we have come so far so quickly as a country, but it is obvious that it is also a big part of our downfall. Shipping jobs over seas, outsourcing, etc is all because of one thing - GREED!!!! And I don't see it getting any better any time soon.

I think this says more about capitalistic greed in America than it does about any one company or industry. Auto, Oil, Insurance, Pharma, manufacturing, cable/satelite, etc. They all want more and more money. Greed is the reason. Enough is never enough. That capitalistic mentality may be a big reason behind why we have come so far so quickly as a country, but it is obvious that it is also a big part of our downfall. Shipping jobs over seas, outsourcing, etc is all because of one thing - GREED!!!! And I don't see it getting any better any time soon.

You are right...it is greed. But the greed doesn't start at the corporate level.
The last thing that anyone wants to admit is that the problem is actually the American consumer. We look for the lowest price on EVERYTHING. How do you think Wal-Mart does so well? How many products in Wal-Mart do you think are made in the USA?
We are destroying our own jobs. We want the best standard of living but we don't want to pay prices that would support jobs here. If the American consumer was willing to drop the couple of extra dollars on every item they buy to support an American worker then we would have jobs here. However, the corporations are literally forced to go overseas to manufacture things cheaply because they couldn't compete with anyone if they stayed here. The reason the middle class is shrinking is because the manufacturing jobs are disappearing and we don't make anything anymore. Whose fault is that? It isn't the corporations, it is the consumer telling them that price is everything and the company that can provide a product for the lowest price is going to be the winner.
It isn't capitalistic greed that is the problem. It is individual greed and the desire to pay the least amount for a product regardless of the quality or location of manufacturing. I laugh when I see the people that are jobless shopping at Wal-Mart or driving a Hyundai. We have done it to ourselves and now we pay the price.

New to Teva and not saying I know anything about this merger, but I have observed that Teva seems to be a company very loyal to their current employees. Hopefully, there will be room for many. Teva also does not have heavy coverage compared to other big pharma companies.

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