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Whose bright idea was it to have managers in the field so much?

it is beyond comprehension that those who run things around here think having a manager 3 to 4 tines , if not more, in a quarter is productive. Really?. My docs are closing their doors and it’s getting harder to find places to take them. This company has everything backwards.

You mean the secret is out, the cat's out of the bag? You can't get away with as much as you used to? Your docs have been closing their doors for years....YEARS. The manager should be out in the field long enough and as often as needed to ascertain whether it is worthwhile to spend the money on sales reps, when many of you can barely get in the door and hardly any can get in the door unless you bring food for the staff.

You mean the secret is out, the cat's out of the bag? You can't get away with as much as you used to? Your docs have been closing their doors for years....YEARS. The manager should be out in the field long enough and as often as needed to ascertain whether it is worthwhile to spend the money on sales reps, when many of you can barely get in the door and hardly any can get in the door unless you bring food for the staff.

NewsFlash, no manager is going to tell the truth that we have at least 50% too many reps because that means we also have 50% too many managers. No Regional Director is going to admit that we have too many reps and DMs because that means we have too many Regional Directors. None of the consultants are going to tell the truth about reach and frequency because that is their gig and every Pharma company pays dearly for their data and mapping. And so the fraud continues.

They ride with us so much, so that they can take over the calls, and show us how it's done. Just like my man DB in Iowa!!!
Yes, once every 4-6 weeks in front of my doc, and they think they will move business. Meanwhile, I'm in front of them weekly and they know and trust me, not my narcissistic wind-bag.

They ride with us so much, so that they can take over the calls, and show us how it's done. Just like my man DB in Iowa!!!

There you go again Fat Ass. The reason DB took over your calls is because you couldn't sell water to a dying man in the desert. If you ever had any sense of product knowledge and sales ability, you lost it long before DB fired your worthless ass. I used to watch your pathetic attempts at role playing where you choked like a dog at meetings. Wasn't one of your favorite tricks at avoiding role playing pretending to be sick at meetings?

When I worked for AZ our manager had a negative impact on sales. He constantly berated and critized. The irony is that he only had a few years is sales experience , (being promoted early in his career to manager). When several of us complained to HR, they found reasons to let us go! Won’t miss Michael Schappert

When I worked for AZ our manager had a negative impact on sales. He constantly berated and critized. The irony is that he only had a few years is sales experience , (being promoted early in his career to manager). When several of us complained to HR, they found reasons to let us go! Won’t miss Michael Schappert

Your first mistake was complaining to HR. You needed a different story. H.R. loves to go after white male managers and their favorite is sexual harassment. It is the golden throne for H.R. The first clue is to look at the makeup of H.R. personnel and their leadership team. How many white hetero males there? There is a reason for the correct answer and it goes back over a decade.

I am usually a pretty level headed, tolerant person. BUT.....I am so sick of my fat ass DM with me every 3-4 weeks for 2 days. I swear he is only interested in getting his breakfast sandwich /coffee at starbucks in the morning and his greasy double cheeseburger for lunch and his fancy steak for dinner. He was with me 2 days last week. I have my CBD this week and my RST next week. Seriously, stop this insanity. They are all being taken to the same offices, it's only a matter of time before they board up their windows and don't allow us in.

I am usually a pretty level headed, tolerant person. BUT.....I am so sick of my fat ass DM with me every 3-4 weeks for 2 days. I swear he is only interested in getting his breakfast sandwich /coffee at starbucks in the morning and his greasy double cheeseburger for lunch and his fancy steak for dinner. He was with me 2 days last week. I have my CBD this week and my RST next week. Seriously, stop this insanity. They are all being taken to the same offices, it's only a matter of time before they board up their windows and don't allow us in.

Sounds like you are on "the list"

Watch Dirty Money on Netflix. season 1 , episode 2 or maybe 3. Featured Valeant Pharma. Could have been any pharma co. Pretty awesome depiction on why the pharma world is not held in high regard.

What if a manager basically tells you over and over how terrible your calls went, to the point of feeling like you've been bullied? Like a true case of belittling someone?
If you confront them, or their boss, I suppose you'll be fired no doubt. Because they would automatically take up for their manager and take their side.
Or what if you told manager you weren't going to be disrespected or talked down to. Would that get you fired ?

He tells you they are terrible because they are. I cannot help myself but tell the truth. No one can make a call anymore since doctors are no longer in control of prescribing. The advent of script tracking through EMRs has led to consolidated reports that show clear detail about brand and generic utilization of every drug and class of drug. If the doc is outside the norm - his name goes on a report. Just like if your call average fell below <7. They have to stay off reports just like you. So the calls are bullshit now and were bullshit 10 years ago. Just shut up and let me ride with you for 6 hours and I will go to my home you go to yours and no one is the wiser.

Any reciprocity said to a manager, or HR for that matter is a one way ticket to unemployment. No matter what they say, how bad they make you feel is irrelevant. Field sales have no say. 100% a CBD,EBD will go with managers. side. HR, don't call them, unless it's racial discrimination or harassment, you have zero chance. Run as fast as you can.

If you want to keep your job..allow them to coach you so they can help you be better and implement their coaching into your calls at least when they are with you. Be open to coaching whether you agree with it or not..will make your life easier! And no I am not a DSM, but a long time PSS who has been able to survive a lot of DSMs and lay offs!!

If you want to keep your job..allow them to coach you so they can help you be better and implement their coaching into your calls at least when they are with you. Be open to coaching whether you agree with it or not..will make your life easier! And no I am not a DSM, but a long time PSS who has been able to survive a lot of DSMs and lay offs!!

But, these guys couldn’t coach a cat stinker out of a liter box!!! They do know the more they coach the less I work when they are not around, right?

During the 1st few rides/ws all we did was talk about how he played football in his/college he’s now 38!! That was like 20 years ago...I’m working for Al Bundy!!! No life experiences since Football practice and this loser is coaching people..

During the 1st few rides/ws all we did was talk about how he played football in his/college he’s now 38!! That was like 20 years ago...I’m working for Al Bundy!!! No life experiences since Football practice and this loser is coaching people..

You got a loser for a DM. Problem is he’s the norm, not the exception,be it male or female.
Managers have very little true value anymore. They have nothing to do but babysit us to kill time, feed their overblown egoes, and try to justify their jobs.
Coaching, developing talent? They have no more expertise in field sales than my 8 yr. old. Most were not necessarily good sales people, but great ass kissers.
How would they know talent? Must it be a mirror image of him/herself?
Suggestion to the poster re: being constantly belittled..... ash him to show you a good sales call. Ask him to show you exactly what he wants you to do.
Guaranteed he’ll come up with a bs excuse why he won’t. Truth us, he can’t.

You got a loser for a DM. Problem is he’s the norm, not the exception,be it male or female.
Managers have very little true value anymore. They have nothing to do but babysit us to kill time, feed their overblown egoes, and try to justify their jobs.
Coaching, developing talent? They have no more expertise in field sales than my 8 yr. old. Most were not necessarily good sales people, but great ass kissers.
How would they know talent? Must it be a mirror image of him/herself?
Suggestion to the poster re: being constantly belittled..... ash him to show you a good sales call. Ask him to show you exactly what he wants you to do.
Guaranteed he’ll come up with a bs excuse why he won’t. Truth us, he can’t.

DMs have become messengers for marketing and the RDs. They do the grunt work at meetings because as incompetent as they are their boss is even more incompetent. So they put on the work shops and work their asses off for a few days and then go back into semi retirement until the next round of meetings. If you can follow a script and speak to a small group of people without wetting your pants, then you qualify. Years ago they had some independence to design and conduct their own District meetings. Those days are long gone as today it is all top down.