Who's the salvin hater Spamming these boards?

I am so sick of the Salvin crap on this board it is such an insignificant POS company that it doesn't even have its own board. Bro, you got fired move on. It's okay, life is gonna get better one day. If you think certain people are so evil then let karma take care of it. You look pathetic, weak and not credible at all at this point. You just seem like a disgruntled loser who got canned and wants to take his frustration out on everybody at his former employer. GET A LIFE!

I am so sick of the Salvin crap on this board it is such an insignificant POS company that it doesn't even have its own board. Bro, you got fired move on. It's okay, life is gonna get better one day. If you think certain people are so evil then let karma take care of it. You look pathetic, weak and not credible at all at this point. You just seem like a disgruntled loser who got canned and wants to take his frustration out on everybody at his former employer. GET A LIFE!
Then get off this board if you don't like it. This has been going on for years. Not just because of 1 person. Look back 3-4 years ago. It's abuse. Once you realize the abuse, adultry, being pushed around and humiliated; you get out. It is horrible to see the owners go down their check list like a hit list. Go fuck off.

thats just it tool, this is isn't YOUR board! Quit posting garbage on other company boards. You are a loser! No wonder you got fired. Salvin is an insignificant POS company who outside of North Carolina nobody could care less about. So people cheat on their spouses, eff man it happens more than you think. If you really have an issue go straight to the spouses, not some message board that few people read. I can assure you that my wife is not reading cafe pharmacy so get over it as are the salvin tool's spouses. Seriously, Salvin?? We talking bout Salvin man??? Spare me your if nobody cares why are their thousands of views? It's because you are constantly reading your own sh$&! See a therapist! You have lost it

i have no problem with learning the truth about this POS company. Thiscwhoevthread has been written by a company employee. Perhaps pics should be sent to the spouse or better yet the URL to this site. She immediately becomes a partner. I have no respect for Salvin management or their business practices. They are only getting what was coming to them. Karmavis a bitch.

i have no problem with learning the truth about this POS company. Thiscwhoevthread has been written by a company employee. Perhaps pics should be sent to the spouse or better yet the URL to this site. She immediately becomes a partner. I have no respect for Salvin management or their business practices. They are only getting what was coming to them. Karmavis a bitch.
That's right brotha! Sing it to the choir!!!! This is a little dabble of the karma that's coming back to them. Salvin earned and asked for this. Just sayin'!

That's right brotha! Sing it to the choir!!!! This is a little dabble of the karma that's coming back to them. Salvin earned and asked for this. Just sayin'!

Karma for Salvin:

Cancer could always return and diminish all of your wealth.
STD's can be passed on to a spouse. Or if the spouse learns about extracurricular activities, she how's becomes a partner and takes 50% of what you own.
One ends going to his true calling becoming a mall cop.

Salvin has asked for it and the best is yet to come.

hey man I know you think you are fooling everyone into thinking that all of these posts are coming from different people. We know it's you bitter guy. Something you wrote sums you up better than anything else. You mentioned that all of this has been happening for four years. you mean to tell me that you spent 4 years being miserable at a POS company? You are pathetic, weak and a loser that stayed somewhere for years because your were incapable of landing another gig.

hey man I know you think you are fooling everyone into thinking that all of these posts are coming from different people. We know it's you bitter guy. Something you wrote sums you up better than anything else. You mentioned that all of this has been happening for four years. you mean to tell me that you spent 4 years being miserable at a POS company? You are pathetic, weak and a loser that stayed somewhere for years because your were incapable of landing another gig.

You are a mental midget. Apparently the posts are coming from different people. I am definitely not a bitter person. The something written could have been overheard or relayed by someone in the know. You said this has been happening four years or happening for years? I would not work for your POS company nor I have I worked for your POS company. I won't work for liars, cheaters, or just plain mental midgets. Since I did not work for your POS company your last statement is very off base. Wouldn't you love to know who knows the inside story. For all you know it could be a current employee or a disgruntled person that sees your POS company for what it's is. A POS COMPANY!!!

Thats just it........nobody really wants or cares to know besides you. Do us all a favor, buy yourself a coconut, paint a face on it and talk to it all day about how mean people were to you at Salvin. It worked for Tom Hanks and I think then just then you would have found someone who gives two you know whats about your former employer.

Thats just it........nobody really wants or cares to know besides you. Do us all a favor, buy yourself a coconut, paint a face on it and talk to it all day about how mean people were to you at Salvin. It worked for Tom Hanks and I think then just then you would have found someone who gives two you know whats about your former employer.

Ha Ha Ha you are so clueless. It's killing you!!!!!!0 never worked for Salvin. However it's keeping your day busy. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!

I know who I am. And I'm not that person. There are many, many people on this thread. I have shared it, my coworkers have shared it. Just ask anyone next meeting or conference you go to. They will all know about this.

thats just it tool, this is isn't YOUR board! Quit posting garbage on other company boards. You are a loser! No wonder you got fired. Salvin is an insignificant POS company who outside of North Carolina nobody could care less about. So people cheat on their spouses, eff man it happens more than you think. If you really have an issue go straight to the spouses, not some message board that few people read. I can assure you that my wife is not reading cafe pharmacy so get over it as are the salvin tool's spouses. Seriously, Salvin?? We talking bout Salvin man??? Spare me your if nobody cares why are their thousands of views? It's because you are constantly reading your own sh$&! See a therapist! You have lost it[/QUOTE

Excusez-moi, s'il vous plaît!

Mèle toi de tes propres affaires!

La personne qui a écrit ceci devrait pouvoir ceci lire..

Il est évident que vous êtes celui et les seuls qui sortent pour cette entreprise. Vous avez très énervé chaque salarié qui a jamais marché pour vous. Vous avez observé des salariés sont renvoyé(tiré) sans raison et observé de bons hommes ET des femmes desserré(libre) tout. Vous avez nié(refusé) que le chômage aux salariés précédents était harcelé sexuellement. Vous êtes veules.

Competitors are seeing all of these posts and laugh. They share the
M with others competitors and doctors and they all laugh. We always knew The company was worthless and now there is living proof.

Il est évident que vous êtes celui et les seuls qui sortent pour cette entreprise. Vous avez très énervé chaque salarié qui a jamais marché pour vous. Vous avez observé des salariés sont renvoyé(tiré) sans raison et observé de bons hommes ET des femmes desserré(libre) tout. Vous avez nié(refusé) que le chômage aux salariés précédents était harcelé sexuellement. Vous êtes veules.

Hey since the upper management of this company don't know any languages but English. I can say the above statement is totally true. They treat people like poo and they are womanizers. If the owner lets this go on he must approve.