Who's still left from BMS?


Good F - riddance, don't let the door hit you in the A........

Damn right! Useless bastards! They have it MADE, and they still don't get it! For example, me a friend are teeing off at 12:50 today, and I'm taking my iPad and entering calls as i go. Then, one of my offices is less than a mile from the course, and I will drop by for a sig for samples they don't need. That way I have a "paper trail" that I made a late call on Friday! Now, I ask you, do we not have a sweet deal at AZ or what??? Enjoy all of this, and quit complaining!!

Damn right! Useless bastards! They have it MADE, and they still don't get it! For example, me a friend are teeing off at 12:50 today, and I'm taking my iPad and entering calls as i go. Then, one of my offices is less than a mile from the course, and I will drop by for a sig for samples they don't need. That way I have a "paper trail" that I made a late call on Friday! Now, I ask you, do we not have a sweet deal at AZ or what??? Enjoy all of this, and quit complaining!!

BMS people work harder out of punitive conditioning. AZ used to have more compliance rules and the reps were scared shitless, but BMS old guard remembered a little thing called Advance and stopped giving a shit about being afraid. If you survived the Advance inquisition you weren't afraid of anything afterwards. Just work hard on the basics, make the calls from 8-5 and nothing extra after hours. AZ reps call 8-5 calls hard work. BMS remembers working way beyond that and seeing friends get fired for it. So making calls 8-5 is a cake walk. No one is complaining because AZ is a cakewalk but an embarrassment of sorts.

I was planning to stick around till the big layoff to, at least, get a severance package. I think they will also waive the 5 year vesting for the retirement savings plan for those that get let go.

Damn right! Useless bastards! They have it MADE, and they still don't get it! For example, me a friend are teeing off at 12:50 today, and I'm taking my iPad and entering calls as i go. Then, one of my offices is less than a mile from the course, and I will drop by for a sig for samples they don't need. That way I have a "paper trail" that I made a late call on Friday! Now, I ask you, do we not have a sweet deal at AZ or what??? Enjoy all of this, and quit complaining!!

Who is useless here? BMS folks want to work and earn our way and you AZ people only want to work the system. BMS in our district are head and shoulders above AZ. You're the problem and the reason this company is in trouble.

Laughing at all the "we work harder" responses. You are not fooling anyone. Ten to two, doesn't matter if you are AZ or BMS.

To answer the oP's question, I was BMS and I'm out. Came over in diabetes merger, found far better position after the whole oral/inj split. Good luck to the rest of you.

Laughing at all the "we work harder" responses. You are not fooling anyone. Ten to two, doesn't matter if you are AZ or BMS.

To answer the oP's question, I was BMS and I'm out. Came over in diabetes merger, found far better position after the whole oral/inj split. Good luck to the rest of you.

Comparing who is worse, BMS or AZ is like comparing the stink from a skunk or a wet fart in an elevator.

Unfortunately, many of the BMS folks felt betrayed when they were basically sold off like cattle with no warning. They were/are suspicious of AZ, and had fears of what would happen after the "one year contract" was over. They had/have no loyalty to AZ even now. Just a continuation in many respects of the divide between the 2 companies from the beginning. At this point, not sure anything can improve the situation. As an AZ legacy rep, this is about the worst leadership- and especially the incompetence of the brand team- in my long time in the industry. Everybody is looking around at what's out there that might be greener.

Who is useless here? BMS folks want to work and earn our way and you AZ people only want to work the system. BMS in our district are head and shoulders above AZ. You're the problem and the reason this company is in trouble.

My az district mates are all inferior to BMS with one exception. Second class, that's why they bought BMS out it was for the talent acquisition.

Yea -rt that's why BMS tried keeping some great talent lol
Do all of us AZ reps a favor go F off and leave with all your talent lol

Look at all he BMS reps going back. That company and reps are better and smarter. Our ship has holes and not many BMS folks wanted to come to az in the first place, they had no choice. I wish I had BMS connections I'd follow the group.