Who's Left?

Goodbye Corey Hanson! Another lucky SOB who is getting out of HELL! How many does that make now? Too many to count. Need a calculator with a shitload of function buttons to calculate the numbers that have left one way or the other.

Goodbye Corey Hanson! Another lucky SOB who is getting out of HELL! How many does that make now? Too many to count. Need a calculator with a shitload of function buttons to calculate the numbers that have left one way or the other.

Quote in my interview yesterday, "if you were this successful at Dey with as much dysfunction that Dey operates in then you can really achieve success here and get paid for it." This was when she asked me about compensation. (P Club winner 3 years)

Goodbye Corey Hanson! Another lucky SOB who is getting out of HELL! How many does that make now? Too many to count. Need a calculator with a shitload of function buttons to calculate the numbers that have left one way or the other.

It's a whole company change, in two years (or less) it will happen all over again.

MCB??!!?! Just part of the problem. A small part of the problem.

It shows the lack of company commitment when you hire low quality of mgmt, it shows the company didn't care who they hired because this wasn't to be long term, just hire any old mgmt that can get rid of people as fast as they can.....

The whole company is sub-par. Anyone good has left voluntarily, anyone good left is not there by choice. Company LOVES to get rid of good people, anyone that questions the norm is a threat and gotten rid of.

Heard another rep is leaving my district. I will leave as soon as possible, as will most people I know. Company will get rid of you one way or another, they will either directly get rid of you or you leave voluntarily. Pay is crappy, benefit package is not competitive, and management expectations are unrealistic.

Wonder who will be next? Pretty soon management will be all alone! Marketing is a mess, heard home office is scrambling to fill vacancies, they can not keep up with the wave of people leaving in the field and in the office. Let's face it, they set up the climate for unhappiness and fostered the mass exodus by the firings and the poor work environment. Company has a bad rep on the street. When I have interviewed almost 100% of the time the interviewer tells me they heard DEY is a horror of a place to work. They don't ask why I am looking, they already know.

So it seems that some positions at headquarters and the field are available. Do they have a pipeline. Was told Phase III. Was also told products in early development. Does anyone know for sure.....

No one important is left. Pathetic brands, pitiful leaders, and shit work environment. Secret formula for a successful shit storm. Watch it happen. It's a thing of beauty.

Heard Gretchen D left. Happy for her. One of the lucky ones to get the hell out. What's next for POA? What new silliness can they possibly try to shove down our throats? Hope to be long gone by next POA.