Who's left?

Wow!! I ran into a WraSer rep the other day. He seemed miserable. I had never heard of your company before and thought I would look it up today. I'll have to say.... I have never read so many negative comments about a company before. Sure, this cafepharma message board is full of disgruntled employees, but every post that I have read is bad. He told me about their business model and he was working his tail off. I'm sure he is trying to get on with a better pharma company and I was sorry that I couldn't help him out. I wish him and all of you at WraSer the best of luck. It's a mad, mad, mad world. Glad I'm working for the company that I'm with. Talking with your rep made me apperciate how much I have even more!!

Wow!! I ran into a WraSer rep the other day. He seemed miserable. I had never heard of your company before and thought I would look it up today. I'll have to say.... I have never read so many negative comments about a company before. Sure, this cafepharma message board is full of disgruntled employees, but every post that I have read is bad. He told me about their business model and he was working his tail off. I'm sure he is trying to get on with a better pharma company and I was sorry that I couldn't help him out. I wish him and all of you at WraSer the best of luck. It's a mad, mad, mad world. Glad I'm working for the company that I'm with. Talking with your rep made me apperciate how much I have even more!!

Good for you that you have the appreciation and time away from your precious company work time to post on CafePharma. You will go far.

Good for you that you have the appreciation and time away from your precious company work time to post on CafePharma. You will go far.

Wow, again!! It seems I struck a nerve. As you may, or may not, know. Reps spend a lot of time waiting to see the docs. There is this new invention out that I would like to tell you about. It's called an iphone. You can surf the web (internet).... even cafepharma if you'd like. It took about 3 minutes of my time to post this. No wonder your reps are so miserable.

Wow, again!! It seems I struck a nerve. As you may, or may not, know. Reps spend a lot of time waiting to see the docs. There is this new invention out that I would like to tell you about. It's called an iphone. You can surf the web (internet).... even cafepharma if you'd like. It took about 3 minutes of my time to post this. No wonder your reps are so miserable.

And you are invested and give a fuck why???????

Nobody in their right mind would invest in a company going bankrupt like Wraser!!! They hire as an ex-employee once put it "misfits with potenital" I worked their for a while...believe me use it for what it is worth "A STEPPING STONE".....and btw FUCK BUBBA!! and never believe your commission checks they cheat you.

Nobody in their right mind would invest in a company going bankrupt like Wraser!!! They hire as an ex-employee once put it "misfits with potenital" I worked their for a while...believe me use it for what it is worth "A STEPPING STONE".....and btw FUCK BUBBA!! and never believe your commission checks they cheat you.

I have been displaced from what was once the "Pain Specialty Division" for awhile now and have had a lot of time to reflect and gain perspective on things. I have recently accepted another position which has given me even more perspective.

First of all Wraser reps typically do the work of entire "district" compared to other pharma companies. Even the smallest pharma companies would have 3 -5 X as many reps doing the same work of 1 WraSer rep; and that doesnt even factor in the massive amount of work to develop new business/territories/products. Refelcting back on my time there, I am shocked at how much work I put in and how much our group accomplished in relation to other companies. When I share my notes with others, its hard to convince them that we WraSer reps juggled all of these responsbilies and that we were able to compete at all against other companies (and some of us did a lot more than just compete).

Also, if there is anyone out there that still does work for WraSer or, god forbid, potential new hires... your comissions will be skimmed; you will not be paid honetly for your sales. Count on it... there are plenty of reps from the last three years that can show you wirtten proof of that.

Anyway, I doubt that WraSer is even still liquid or opperational. If you are, congratulations on trickfu(king an entire industry and the FDA. You boys deserve whatever you get.
In the end, thanks for the time off /layoff. I have traveled all over the world, accomplished years of work on my land, and have made numerous valuable contacts in this industry.

I'll say this, in my short time with Wraser heres the truth. The mgrs I interviewd with while not blue skying the opp they did mislead. After 3 months of sales I was written up for not hitting minimums. Kelli with hr told us @ training if we were written up 3x we would be let go. According to nov sales no one in the company hit all their minimums so i guess we all got written up. What kind of message does this send? They never told me @ training or at the interview what my expectations were or how soon I would have to hit them. I feel the write ups came out of the blue and were unwarrented. Do the math. Depending on where u are interviewing ask them what is expected of you or you might face the same thing. I was so demoralized that when I was let go it was actually a blessing. What I thought was a great chance in pharma turned out to be hell. Pls be aware of the pitfalls before agreeing to work here.

got out while getting was good. 2 yrs ago wraser had over 150 reps & managers nationwide. from last force rank a buddy sent they are in the mid 20s now. wowza. buncha reps left for lupin and forrest. greener grass.

Received my warning letter and Dec force rank. Congrats Major for being #1 in scripts!! At least one Smelser is actually working in this company and not just collecting a paycheck.

Of course being #1 @ wraser is about the same as being the worlds tallest midget!