Whole New Ball Game

If you're a Dem, you would rather face Cruz than Trump in the general. Despite what the current general election polls say. I think Trump actually has a chance to beat Hillary, but Cruz doesn't have a prayer. Cruz can even win the popular vote and still lose the election. The reason is simple, it's due to the electoral map. Trump has chance to flip blue states or at least make all purple states very competitive. Cruz on the other hand, does not really change the map. Sure Cruz will get tons of enthusiasm and extra useless votes in deep red states like Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, but that doesn't help him one bit in November. He can beat Hillary 90% to 10% in Texas and it still wouldn't change a thing. Ted Cruz has as much of a chance to flip blue states come November as me winning the powerball. As for swing states like Virginia, Florida, New Hampshire, Ohio, Colorado, Minnesota etc. These are all Cruz's weakest states in the primary thus far based on primary results and poll showings thus far. Most Republicans in those states are not evangelicals and don't like someone who can't work with others.

The truth is that a Republican won't win without the enthusiastic support of Evangelicals. That was Romney's undoing. Yes, Cruz has the support of evangelicals but as a Reagan conservative, his support is far broader and deeper than that. Cruz can win swing states like Ohio and
Florida. He will basically carry what Romney did with the critical additions of Ohio and/or Florida as well as enough swing states to give him the victory.

The polls indicate that Cruz has a much better shot at beating Hillary than Trump. You love polls when they suit you, I'm sure but you refuse to use them when it is appropriate.

Bottom line - get ready cause Ted's gonna Cruz to victory!


Actually this is Ted Cruz fantasies for crazed libtards.

If you can't do any better than this , please do yourself a favor and just stop making a fool of yourself.

Here's a fact for you: say hello to President Cruz! :D

Here is a FACT for you - Lyin' Ted LOST big last night and Trump is rolling to the nomination. Say goodbye to Candidate Cruz!

Ooooo! Cruz won a state! Idaho. He looked like a clown grinning on stage over that VICTORY. Boy what a great victory for the Snake Oil Man. He got 20 delegates and Trump got 12. Wow! Eight whole delegates more. And Trump didn't even GO to Idaho. Cruz went 3 times. Congratulations to Ted 'the Snake' Cruz. If Trump had allowed the time to go there, he would have gotten it. Trump understands strategy and is focused on WINNING.

So winning a state is losing big? LOL!

Thanks for providing the perspective of the politically ignorant. Count the delegates, fool!

Cruz will be our next president.

In Michigan, Trump easily triumphed in a win fueled by working-class voters angry at the federal government and politicians in Washington. Cruz is a politician in Washington. According to exit polls, more than half of Michigan Republicans said they wanted the next president to be “someone outside the political establishment.”

Ooooo! Cruz won a state! Idaho. He looked like a clown grinning on stage over that VICTORY. Boy what a great victory for the Snake Oil Man. He got 20 delegates and Trump got 12. Wow! Eight whole delegates more. And Trump didn't even GO to Idaho. Cruz went 3 times. Congratulations to Ted 'the Snake' Cruz. If Trump had allowed the time to go there, he would have gotten it. Trump understands strategy and is focused on WINNING.

Cruz is focused on winning too and he will.

You can't see the forest for the trees. This is evident when you focus only on Idaho to the
exclusion of the delegate Counts in the states Trump won. The fact was that Trump can't shake Cruz and that the longer this goes on the more people will see that the true snake oil salesman
Is Trump!

In Michigan, Trump easily triumphed in a win fueled by working-class voters angry at the federal government and politicians in Washington. Cruz is a politician in Washington. According to exit polls, more than half of Michigan Republicans said they wanted the next president to be “someone outside the political establishment.”

Cruz is a politician from Washington? LOL! Cruz is essentially as much an outsider as Trump with the added bonus of not being a compulsive liar like Trump.

Say hello to President Cruz!

It is a whole new ball game! Dr. Ben Carson endorsed Trump today and it is very telling not as much for Trump, but for Rafael Cruz. Being that Carson is intelligent and a deep thinker who is also very religious, it speaks volumes that he did not support Cruz in spite of Trumps knocking Carson all over the place last fall. What is it about Cruz that Carson knows from the campaign trail that caused him to endorse Trump and not the Canadian born Cruz? Was is the dirty tricks Cruz pulled on Carson in Iowa? Is it that Cruz is basically despised in the Senate and has had virtually none of his colleagues endorse him? Can it be that even Carson knows that Lying Ted will not be the GOP nominee?

There are more questions than answers regarding Carson endorsing Trump and very telling that he didn't throw his support behind Cruz.

It is a whole new ball game! Dr. Ben Carson endorsed Trump today and it is very telling not as much for Trump, but for Rafael Cruz. Being that Carson is intelligent and a deep thinker who is also very religious, it speaks volumes that he did not support Cruz in spite of Trumps knocking Carson all over the place last fall. What is it about Cruz that Carson knows from the campaign trail that caused him to endorse Trump and not the Canadian born Cruz? Was is the dirty tricks Cruz pulled on Carson in Iowa? Is it that Cruz is basically despised in the Senate and has had virtually none of his colleagues endorse him? Can it be that even Carson knows that Lying Ted will not be the GOP nominee?

There are more questions than answers regarding Carson endorsing Trump and very telling that he didn't throw his support behind Cruz.

LOL! You are so transparent. Carson's decision is puzzling and very telling, not about Cruz but about himself.

If Carson were still in the race or had thrown his support behind Cruz you would brand him a nutcase.

Nice try but an epic fail. As usual all you have is Broken Views!

Cruz Has lots of quality endorsements from people who have a much longer track record and therefore reputation than Carson.

Say hello to President Cruz.

Oh did you hear that Fiorina endorsed Cruz? :p

More cheating from the Cruzifix camp.

After the GOP Debate ended, Drudge Report opened up its polls to get the consensus on who people think won the 12th Republican Debate. However, it has been reported that the poll was hacked and the numbers on Senator Ted Cruz were just generated by a bot.


These little grade school level 'tricks' won't work for Canadian Ted as Trump will solidify his lead next week and the Cruz campaign will be left on the side of the road wondering what hit them.

More cheating from the Cruzifix camp.

After the GOP Debate ended, Drudge Report opened up its polls to get the consensus on who people think won the 12th Republican Debate. However, it has been reported that the poll was hacked and the numbers on Senator Ted Cruz were just generated by a bot.


These little grade school level 'tricks' won't work for Canadian Ted as Trump will solidify his lead next week and the Cruz campaign will be left on the side of the road wondering what hit them.

The truth is that Cruz has run the most honest, straightforward campaign out there. He is also driving down the road to the White House!

Say hello to President Cruz!