Whole New Ball Game


After today, it's gonna be a whole new ball game!

Trump and Cruz!

Cruz will further consolidate his position as the only one who has a chance to beat Trump. Rubio will find it hard to pull in delegates tonight and Cruz will open up a sizable gap between himself and Rubio. Trump will have a good night in terms of wins, but will not perform impressively in the delegate count which is all that really matters.

After tonight, Rubio should get out, he'll be done, but he will stay in due to his gambit on a brokered convention.

70% or so of evangelical will NOT vote for Trump, but that vote is split so many ways due to the crowded field, that Trump will pick up many wins as a result.

If this was one v one, Cruz would be crushing Trump. Trump is one lucky, lying bigmouth.


After today, it's gonna be a whole new ball game!

Trump and Cruz!

Cruz will further consolidate his position as the only one who has a chance to beat Trump. Rubio will find it hard to pull in delegates tonight and Cruz will open up a sizable gap between himself and Rubio. Trump will have a good night in terms of wins, but will not perform impressively in the delegate count which is all that really matters.

After tonight, Rubio should get out, he'll be done, but he will stay in due to his gambit on a brokered convention.

70% or so of evangelical will NOT vote for Trump, but that vote is split so many ways due to the crowded field, that Trump will pick up many wins as a result.

If this was one v one, Cruz would be crushing Trump. Trump is one lucky, lying bigmouth.

Put down the bottle and get back to us when you sober up.

You Cruz, you Lose.

Cruz will never be President. He is repulsive. Cruz should become a lobbyist and his wife should go back to Goldman Sachs and stop pretending to be Christians.
Cruz will never be President. He is repulsive. Cruz should become a lobbyist and his wife should go back to Goldman Sachs and stop pretending to be Christians.

And you should stop pretending to have a SHRED of intellect. You embarrass yourself more with each post.

Well, just as I predicted, it's a whole new ball game. Rubio's done.
He hasn't won anything and is lagging way behind in the delegate count. Meanwhile Cruz is capturing momentum, winning more states and winning a large number of delegates.

It's a 2 man race now and Cruz is coming on strong.

Well, just as I predicted, it's a whole new ball game. Rubio's done.
He hasn't won anything and is lagging way behind in the delegate count. Meanwhile Cruz is capturing momentum, winning more states and winning a large number of delegates.

It's a 2 man race now and Cruz is coming on strong.

Cruz is in no better shape than Rubio. He's won 3 states, Rubio 1 and Trump has now won 10. Its over. They can all drop out and accept defeat. the Republican Party is over as a National Party. They are the Dixiecrats of the 60's joined with the Bankers and Big Oil of the North.

Cruz is "America's kidney stone": irritating, painful, utterly useless, and soon to pass from the body (politic). In truth, he is much worse than that: he is a cancer on American culture, a self-righteous religious peacock who will never be allowed to occupy the Oval Office.

After today, it's gonna be a whole new ball game!

Trump and Cruz!

Cruz will further consolidate his position as the only one who has a chance to beat Trump. Rubio will find it hard to pull in delegates tonight and Cruz will open up a sizable gap between himself and Rubio. Trump will have a good night in terms of wins, but will not perform impressively in the delegate count which is all that really matters.

After tonight, Rubio should get out, he'll be done, but he will stay in due to his gambit on a brokered convention.

70% or so of evangelical will NOT vote for Trump, but that vote is split so many ways due to the crowded field, that Trump will pick up many wins as a result.

If this was one v one, Cruz would be crushing Trump. Trump is one lucky, lying bigmouth.

He may be a bigmouth but at least he doesn't try to cram his personal religious beliefs (superstitions) down everyone's throat.

Cruz is in no better shape than Rubio. He's won 3 states, Rubio 1 and Trump has now won 10. Its over. They can all drop out and accept defeat. the Republican Party is over as a National Party. They are the Dixiecrats of the 60's joined with the Bankers and Big Oil of the North.

Cruz is "America's kidney stone": irritating, painful, utterly useless, and soon to pass from the body (politic). In truth, he is much worse than that: he is a cancer on American culture, a self-righteous religious peacock who will never be allowed to occupy the Oval Office.

Cruz is in markedly better position than Rubio. It's not even close.

Look at the delegate count. That's what matters and Cruz is close to Trump in that.

Actually it's people like you who are a cancer in America.

He may be a bigmouth but at least he doesn't try to cram his personal religious beliefs (superstitions) down everyone's throat.

Hey, Bozo! It's a free country. Get used to it. If I want to try to cram my religious beliefs down
Your throat, then I'm free to do so.

Don't be such a hypocritical, whining child.

Oh, and I'm into truth. You're the one who trades in superstition, like everything was created by nothing. Can't happen, Short Bus!

Hey, Bozo! It's a free country. Get used to it. If I want to try to cram my religious beliefs down
Your throat, then I'm free to do so.

Don't be such a hypocritical, whining child.

Oh, and I'm into truth. You're the one who trades in superstition, like everything was created by nothing. Can't happen, Short Bus!

Did you ever find out what kind of bug crawled up your ass and died? You're like one of those cars in Tijuana that drives around in circles with Jesus nonsense blaring out of the megaphone on the roof. :p

Nominating Ted Cruz to run against the Democrats is tantamount to surrendering. Surely the Democrats will remind Americans that Cruz was instrumental in the 16 day government shut down in 2013 that caused the economy to lose 24 billion dollars. Cruz has still not satisfied all voters that he is an American citizen and can legally run for President.