Who would you love to see leave AZ

KC BMS failed regional, AZ's compliance & HR nightmare. Her minions too...WR & KH. Moved her to the land of the Misfit Toys & she has a big enough ego to interview for EBD role. Waste of a salary.

Totally agree that SB-CBD in Charlotte , needs to go-as rep in her region I witnessed her introduction to her new region reps at a meeting and she had the nerve to quiz reps on mechanism of action of diabetes drugs while supposedly having casual conversation after long day of meetings before dinner-she covers for her lack of knowledge of the business in her region by quizzing reps on the few clinical questions she happens to know the answers to-everyone sees through it-pitiful attempt at "leadership"

She got dumped inyo an AD role. KC is bad, but at least she has a brain. BD was dumber than a box of rocks. She is currently busy effing up all of the mc plans in her jurisdiction.

Well now this is a surprise!! AZ is dumping its failed careers into the AD role? Shit dude, that has been going on for decades. The AD lineup is a who's who of rejects that failed in a leadership role due to incompetence, a character flaw, or combination of both. Some of them read the writing on the wall and left for other companies while the worst of the worst are still hiding in the shadows collecting a paycheck and hoping to hold on long enough to retire.

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