I will be selling anal T. Less side effects and more filling.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Jul 06, 2012 at 11:32: PM #21 Anonymous Guest I will be selling anal T. Less side effects and more filling.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Jul 07, 2012 at 11:08: AM #22 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: You must be the person at UT responsible for making the Kool-aid? YOU ARE ALL DONE! Thanks for playing! Click to expand... Nope, just an informed rep. I realize using big phrases like "10-k" would make it seem like I am a big wig, but we actually know what those things are around here...pls stay on your boards, you are bringing down the IQ.
Anonymous said: You must be the person at UT responsible for making the Kool-aid? YOU ARE ALL DONE! Thanks for playing! Click to expand... Nope, just an informed rep. I realize using big phrases like "10-k" would make it seem like I am a big wig, but we actually know what those things are around here...pls stay on your boards, you are bringing down the IQ.