Who will be next to be canned?

Funny, Hal Rose is the only one that understands the lab business. Klar has no clue he should run the company and not make lab dec. He gets in a room with other non lab people and they think they are making good dec and they are not. They need a lab person making dec and Klar paying the bills.

hal is not bad but under the conditions out their but they will get worse. he would be smart to get out soon. life in the lab world sucks and im sure he doesn't need the $.

cant believe he is still working but hal is hal.

Doesnt matter. If they can find a buyer for this crap the company will soon be sold and everyone will be reporting to someone else who could care less about you. Be careful what you wish for!

Who would want to buy this company. Sales are flat, if not declining thanks to hospital buyouts and insurance cutbacks.

Investors are too stupid to sell now, they will wait until they get pennies on the dollar

Thats a done deal. At best pennies on the dollar. Revenue to debt ratio is ridiculous! Would have to be a fire sale to sell this thing!
Some of their reps are already looking to go to the brooklyn navy yard---RG, JP and 2 others. They are just waiting for the bottom to fall out so they will not have to deal with a non compete.