Who was eliminated today?


A bunch of talent was walked out the door today to save Dvorak for another day. This action will pay for the massive quality remediation that is being kept from the shareholders. Where is the breaking point? Where is the board? Who is gone? More to come? Thoughts?

A bunch of talent was walked out the door today to save Dvorak for another day. This action will pay for the massive quality remediation that is being kept from the shareholders. Where is the breaking point? Where is the board? Who is gone? More to come? Thoughts?

This posting is irresponsible. I do not doubt that it's true, however, without names it's a meaningless post.

Why is it that whenver positions are eliminated, HR is left whole?
Shouldn't there be proportionately as many reductions there?
And for that matter, that is one department that DEFINATELY could be farmed out.

It is interesting that a company whose ultimate customer is the (typically) aged has such contempt for them when they happen to work for them. Canning your older, wiser workers while keeping the younger ones distracted by auto-firing the bottom % every year has created historic backorders, FDA infractions, product paralysis and the lowest morale I have witnessed in my tenure.

Maybe an age-discrimination suit would jar someone awake....for at least a minute.

Managers are force to stack rank their employees even in groups of 2 3, 4 people. Even if you have a team of all all-stars, you are still painted into putting someone on the bottom in the eventuality of these never ending personnel cuts. It's a shame. Trouble is that there are no "people" people left at the top. No one wants to work for a group of emotionless droids. People want to work for humans who can a fault relate to them, their ideas and their experiences. The hallowed halls in Warsaw have NO pulse. The lack of energy is palpable. Very troubling.

I call "BS" on this thread. I do not know of anyone 'walked out', much less 150 people.

you're right - no one was let go. total bs.
fact is, many good people were let go, whether they were walked out or told over the phone (for the field based people) or whatever. the company no longer places value on people or culture. while it's a stressful time for many, no doubt for more than a few they will eventually be able to see this as a blessing. it's a very difficult place to be happy in, and that affects more than just your life at work after a while.

you're right - no one was let go. total bs.
fact is, many good people were let go, whether they were walked out or told over the phone (for the field based people) or whatever. the company no longer places value on people or culture. while it's a stressful time for many, no doubt for more than a few they will eventually be able to see this as a blessing. it's a very difficult place to be happy in, and that affects more than just your life at work after a while.

150 Lost their jobs. Company sucks. Age discrimination. Hiding things from stockholders. Leaders are souless monsters. Blah blad blah.
Yet no one knows any names or specific positions impacted.
I guess we are supposed to believe your anonymous posts and feel bad when you get all indignant when we doubt you and assume you are maybe just some whiner who hates his job but still cashes his paycheck.

you must not work for zimmer in warsaw then ...its not BS.... people are loseing there jobs

I hope you don't work for Zimmer. You don't know what to capitalize, can't spell OR use a spellchecker..
Five grammar, spelling or punctuation errors in one sentence! You must fit right in over where everyone eears shorts, flip flops and greasy pony tails.