Who started looking for another job?

"We have spent too much money on marketing and selling our drugs … We can save even more, even if we grow. This business revolves around science, not around marketing."

He is the first to come out and say it, but not the last. More companies will follow suit and many heads will roll because of it. Hold on, it's going to be a bumpy ride. Much like the US needs to cut cost, so does the Pharma industry. That includes field force size.

And we have all those Libtards who voted him into office to thank for this mess he's created!
Did no one pay attention to his past BEFORE they voted for him?
Anyone who is a student of Saul Alinsky and his program/book "Rules For Radicals", is not someone who should be running our country. You see, liberalism and the constitution are opposing forces. You can't have both! He's a typical marxist who believes in class warfare and it's evident by the recent rioting by the Wall Street Journal building. Read the DRUDGE for the latest news. Our once wonderful country will soon see more riots in our own streets.
I'm sorry about your breakdown. You had the guts and determination to get out of this hell hole called NOVARTS, that most people would be too timid to do because no one likes to get out of their comfort zone or push themselves over the cliff. It was the right thing to do.
Keep your chin up, keep looking and eventually something will shake loose for you. May GOD bless you!

THank you for your good wishes...It truly was the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life...It was like that dude that knawed his own arm off so he could escape from being trapped in those rocks in Utah...but I figured I better take the pain now, cuz I am only getting older and Pharma sales is so done...the party is over and the caterer wants to get paid!