Who made 100% in MS Division

Thanks you for leaving

Have lots of fun at sanofi ...keep calling it Genzyme if it makes you feel better

Happy to see you leave as obviously our top 20% are staying put because they are paid, recognized and have constant interation with senior managers and HR setting them up for future opportunities...or at least are getting tons of smoke blown up their asses making em feel special

the other 80% of you mediocre or sub par players...we are happy if at least half of you leave...

A lateral transfer is the hallmark of mediocre talent BTW...every pharma hiring manager knows this...

Ask the top 20% that got screwed out of bonus kickers, stock opitions, etc...... yeah, they are interviewing too.......and yes, that includes me.....a top 20%. My talent and relationships will be taken with me.........

Thanks you for leaving

Have lots of fun at sanofi ...keep calling it Genzyme if it makes you feel better

Happy to see you leave as obviously our top 20% are staying put because they are paid, recognized and have constant interation with senior managers and HR setting them up for future opportunities...or at least are getting tons of smoke blown up their asses making em feel special

the other 80% of you mediocre or sub par players...we are happy if at least half of you leave...

A lateral transfer is the hallmark of mediocre talent BTW...every pharma hiring manager knows this...

Im ranked in the top 20 and im looking to get out. Future opportunites??? I have no interest in future opportunites in hell.

Ask the top 20% that got screwed out of bonus kickers, stock opitions, etc...... yeah, they are interviewing too.......and yes, that includes me.....a top 20%. My talent and relationships will be taken with me.........

Uhmmm no you were not objectively in the top 20% or you would have gotten all of above....you just think you are...big difference....good luck at Sanofi...i'm sure your relationships are anxious to see you trot in with another super informative visaid!!!

Doctor did you know Aubagio is a pill!!!! Its once a day and its almost as effective as platfrom DMTS!!!!

Uhmmm no you were not objectively in the top 20% or you would have gotten all of above....you just think you are...big difference....good luck at Sanofi...i'm sure your relationships are anxious to see you trot in with another super informative visaid!!!

Doctor did you know Aubagio is a pill!!!! Its once a day and its almost as effective as platfrom DMTS!!!!

...but at least we are away from the poor - correction extremely poor - leadership in the MSBU

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