Who LIKES working for HSP and WHY?

I hate to interrupt your pity party, but I have one thing to ask. You are still receiving a paycheck, right? Shut your mouth and count your blessngs. I don't care if your manager makes you handwrite every word of every conversation you have and submit it daily while singing along with Britney Spears on voicecom outside in a snowstorm. There are very few open jobs in any industry right now, doesn't matter if we are talking about pharma or pipe fasteners or software, and hundreds of thousands of unemployed, educated, experienced workers trying to get them.

Oh and by the way, I am on the West coast and was #1 in my district, #2 in region, above area and nation last year. I have applied for every opening in the west and can barely get a phone interview. So if you think its so easy, why don't you give me your mgr's name and number so I can contact them and you can quit and go find your happiness elsewhere. I, for one, just want to go back to work.

Wow you sound like a shit rep to me with no confidence in yourself. Hospira continues to get worse everyday, and anyone with any sense will get out ASAP!

to be honest i like working for HSP. They have treated me well. ACCS division

WEll if the rest of us, those who are left after the plane crash, made well into the six figures all you PRecedex flunkies make, we would love Hospira too. YOu do not seem to realize, you guys are the princesses at Hospira, the rest of us are treated like the stepchildren, we have NEVER gotten the pay or the company support you get, and when 40 os us got sliced off and "displaced" they created 27 new openings for your business unit and informed us we are NOT allowed to apply, even though some of us do have detailing experience, remember Ultane?? And some of you survived the Abbott divorce, stayed with Abbott and then came over and got a cush job with Hospira.

That old shit about "be happy you have a job" is a comment for suckers. Probably got stock options and a fat Abbott pension coming, and probably don't work hard or give a shit about getting better.

The company fucking sucks. The "higher ups" should be ashamed of how they are running this place. You can only treat employees and customers like shit for so long before it catches up.

My goal is to get off this sinking ship the sooner the better. If you are happy here, you must be selling Precedex or have a territory that is doing well. . . . . for now.

Unfortunately, there is little positive to say about the company these days. The managers like to hang their hat on the old "be happy you have a job in this economy spiel". I guess they have a green light to fuck us in the ass for a while, but that will change.

Oh, and SOME of the greatest people in the world work for this company, but they will eventually leave because they will get tired of all the bullshit. They are tucked away all across the sales force, but they all deserve better.

This company is so far away from the days of Abbott it is not funny. It is actually sad.

Oh, and that old "98% fill rate" bullshit went way out of the window this year too!

Fuck off Hospira you greedy bastards. You must have all read the Enron manual.

To the positive shit that praises Hospira are you sending a blind copy to Sean or Chris? These separations were totally handled incorrectly. People lost their jobs because they didn't meet the criteria of a company in Boston etc..What happened to point out areas of stuggling and working with individuals to improve---no separate them then let them find out their job is open on Career Builders.

Person separated was sole bread winner of wife and kids---now unemployed at an elderly age. New person interviewing has stong clinical background previsous position pays way over $100K house paid off has enough money in savings to buy the bank---and she is being considered for this job????????

Now Hospira that is integrity, loyality and fits right in with our OEC guidelins.

Nobody likes working here unless they are gay or a fucking r*****.

Wow 2 ACLU hits in one post. Obviously you are a red neck turd and should not even have a job. Gay people are 10x more intelligent than you and the correct term is developmentally disabled. May you have one of each as your children to learn some fucking compassion for other people on this earth you piece of shit!

Wow 2 ACLU hits in one post. Obviously you are a red neck turd and should not even have a job. Gay people are 10x more intelligent than you and the correct term is developmentally disabled. May you have one of each as your children to learn some fucking compassion for other people on this earth you piece of shit!

coon fag

there will be a 20% layoff across board within a few months then another 10% by summer
its in the works right now start looking nowif you are smart you heard it here first

I warned you people on this board about events that unfolded long before they occured including stock info (which if you followed you made or saved significant Gains/losses, I told you about FUEL (before it got its name), about layoffs, about FDA fines and many other events that all played out just like I said. If you heeded my advice you benefited The recent posts on this board have no substance the older posts have substance I guess only the young and weak are left at Hospira everybody worth thier salt left at spin took the money and ran

Wow 2 ACLU hits in one post. Obviously you are a red neck turd and should not even have a job. Gay people are 10x more intelligent than you and the correct term is developmentally disabled. May you have one of each as your children to learn some fucking compassion for other people on this earth you piece of shit!

Yeah you go gurl

All of you negetive posters need to read the paper or watch Fox or CNN, you may see that you are lucky to have a job right now. If you are so unhappy walk your ass out the door!

He buddy, go check out MedReps or heslthcarejobs.com. There are plenty of jobs available. I mean plenty! Don't believe me, check the sites yourself. Your BS that there is no jobs is a scare tactic. Any good rep will always find a home.

According to your comp plan, get ready for a mass exodus!

there will be a 20% layoff across board within a few months then another 10% by summer
its in the works right now start looking nowif you are smart you heard it here first

This was posted (2) months BEFORE the 09 layoff was announced It's was 12% laid off NOT the 10% HSP claimed ! My figures above are correct, because HSP weeded out another 18% through termination or forced retirement with a seperation package to sweeten the deal
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