Who is this Heidi?

Joe and Sean hired here so they can sit back, be the good guys and avoid accountability for the situation. Give Heidi a break - she's doing what what Joe and Sean tell her to do- she cant help it and is told she is doing a great job with classic reach and frequency. She has to pay her bills too.

Heidi, thanks for your insight on the great job you are doing...Sean and Joe hired a sales director not a clueless, gutless reach and frequency witch who understands nothing about our biz, except looking at at excel spreadsheet

Suckers: Heidi, Dan and Joe want resignations It helps them say they are influencing and improving the quality of the team. low performers leaving and high performers staying It's all good. You are suckers

Heidi- Thanks for your feedback. Actually I am still employed right now. We have lost over 10 reps in a salesforce of 55. Another 15 by the end of the year is reasonable based on the fact my entire area is seekeing new. These #'s sound right to you nimrod??

Let's see your call activity Mr Bogus calls - 10 calls a day? 7 of those calls are from your cell phone while you are watching Oprah. Also, you must be wiping Heidi's A**...
We have lost 11 people the last 4 weeks. You must be truly stupid if you did not know this. Have a good day making bogus calls tomorrow loser!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a deplorable job she did at the sales meeting introducing the all-star winners. She knows maybe half of my district by name and could bairly read the teleprompter. Heidi only cares about impressing senior mgt. and is not commited to helping the saleforce be successful.

What a deplorable job she did at the sales meeting introducing the all-star winners. She knows maybe half of my district by name and could bairly read the teleprompter. Heidi only cares about impressing senior mgt. and is not commited to helping the saleforce be successful.

I worked with Heidi for many years at Abbott. Could she be tough, yes. Could she be perceived as cold, yes. Could she come across like she doesnt care about the sales force, no way. I personally saw her fight objectives that sr. Mgmt was trying to force down to her. She also has a great heart which most people don't get to see. You can't blam someone for doing their job. Call metrics are at every company along with bs objectives, your job it to perform to the best of your ability, if you can't, then it's time to go.

As far as not knowing all the reps names yet, give her time and try to get to know her better, you may be surprised. I would work with her again in a heartbeat.