Who is the most incompetent "leader" in KOP?

I am Not sure if she was fired or let go. Big difference in some ways. AZ had a mass “let go” of people and I can’t even figure if it was justified as to who got let go or not. Sometimes you’re on the chopping block no fault of your own. What it does seem that CSL takes on a bunch of people who had less choice in other jobs or companies. Did people came here because it was desired or because there was an open position? There are people that. Move into positions and companies despite being already employed because they are better opportunities.Not so sure this is the case for many at CSL.
She was fired from Diabetes. They put her in an elevated role on an interim basis and she was horrendous.

Is this a real question? Bob, kiss Bill’s ass, Lojewski! A true legend in his own mind. He has his circus clowns well trained too including Bob, cry on stage, Murphy and Paul, teacher’s pet, Jens. Then there is Bernadine, throw your team under the bus, Koziara and Rich, devil’s advocate, Dudek. It is quite a special group of dysfunctional and back stabbing “leaders”, but Bob L takes the prize.

Yeah, that sounds like a Bob comment. Always blame the other person, the sales force, the people who can't stand any more and leave. Never look at yourself, Bob--too painful?

Bob is the Donald Trump of CSL. He is perfect and blames everyone else for things that don’t work out. And like Trump, he is a complete man child with everyone who surrounds him kissing his ring because they are afraid to disagree especially that BM pussy and painfully awkward BK.

Bob Wannabe Lojewski. wonder why he never made it to the nba? Maybe because of his piss poor attitude? Inability to learn and lean on others? I can’t imagine he was considered a team player. Someone shared he once commented on “me too” being a fad. God I hope he doesn’t have any daughters.

I’m one of the many strong employees that have left over the last 6 months. The leadership team is disastrous. It ultimately starts at the top with Paul P but Bob L has created a culture that is atrocious. Everyone on NALT is afraid to advocate for their employees so the employees get fed up and leave. Paul Jens is an awful people manager. He’s just a really smart guy that was given the reigns of Com Ops but has no idea what to do with them, he barely has anyone left. He’s condescending, refuses to promote from within and has no idea how encourage/appreciate his people. I haven’t had a moment of regret in leaving CSL.

#fireboblowblowlojewski. What more do you need Paul? You can’t tell me this stuff isn’t reaching the top. Didn’t anyone see the lawsuit against us for female discrimination? Bob should be part of that lawsuit and many more women need to come forward with their mistreatment. If I knew my reputation and job wouldn’t be jeopardized I would be raising my voice but this is the only place to be heard. HR could care less since they just are out to protect leaders. Not the people.

how many more women need to be cut off from talking up in a meeting for going against leadership thinking? How many more women need to be told to just smile in a meeting and not saying anything? Or are Intentionally left out because the meeting is on a golf course?

Everything happens on a golf course. If you're part of the club, you have job security.
Everyone should know about the discrimination suit. Article is in the Sydney Morning Herald. You hear more about our business from this paper than you will from any town hall.

Bob is the Putin of CSL. Pathetic little man.
Bob is one of the main reasons I left CSL. He created such a toxic environment, I didn't want to be apart of it anymore. Bill is the typical hard charging executive, you know what you're getting into. Bob is a completely different animal. He's just not a nice human.

Bob is the reason for all the talent leaving, he runs his business with fear , intimidation and constant cronyism. If you like to discuss spots, have a background at Pfizer or Wyeth you are spared.