Who is the most incompetent "leader" in KOP?

BK. She is a marketing disaster. Lucky to have decent products or she would have been canned a long time ago. What is she doing in that department--she is clearly out of her depth.

I have to believe those on top have some skill sets that got them there.. it's just that they get to their level and then stop improving or they got to the highest level they could before hitting the "Peter principle". With Covid it seems to have brought out real basic weaknesses such as the point system and the gathering of information on customers that clearly show they didn't get what we did or do in the field. So our most incompetent leader is just the system that allows this unidimentional behaviors without critical thinking

Your money or your life. Work with inept, no-talent "leaders" or leave. There's life outside of pharma, and better jobs with actual leadership, too. If the talented people leave, the shareholders will replace the "leaders". The system sucks, but you aren't powerless.

I am Not sure if she was fired or let go. Big difference in some ways. AZ had a mass “let go” of people and I can’t even figure if it was justified as to who got let go or not. Sometimes you’re on the chopping block no fault of your own. What it does seem that CSL takes on a bunch of people who had less choice in other jobs or companies. Did people came here because it was desired or because there was an open position? There are people that. Move into positions and companies despite being already employed because they are better opportunities.Not so sure this is the case for many at CSL.

What I do know about GB is that she has a really high opinion of herself, especially in relation to anyone else. She reminds others of her position, throwing her rank around. Why does she need to do that if she's so good? Another CSL "leader" who has their head in their ass. And there are so many here, she's in good company.