Who is the Capt?

Yes folks its official, our own captain Chris Thompson has landed the lead role in the upcoming movie Captain Hook. Hopefully we will get a email letting us know that this lazy piece of shit will be resigning!

okay. ha ha. it was funny for the first few runs and lines but now it is getting a little flat. who do you want to replace him with and what should they do so different to make it better for us? what would you do?

okay. ha ha. it was funny for the first few runs and lines but now it is getting a little flat. who do you want to replace him with and what should they do so different to make it better for us? what would you do?

I think this has been a funny damn post!! Here is my suggestions:

1) cost.

2) more reps. We can't just call on the few select, better coverage on more Drs

3) TV, its working for the comp.

4) stop all the bullshit spending.

5) this should be number 1, get ct out! Has no clue whats he is doing. I could really go into some real issues, but I'm not getting paid but 77,000

I think this has been a funny damn post!! Here is my suggestions:

1) cost.

2) more reps. We can't just call on the few select, better coverage on more Drs

3) TV, its working for the comp.

4) stop all the bullshit spending.

5) this should be number 1, get ct out! Has no clue whats he is doing. I could really go into some real issues, but I'm not getting paid but 77,000

You got short changed. How long have you been with the company? I got hired in 2014 and they brought me in for over $82,000!!

You got short changed. How long have you been with the company? I got hired in 2014 and they brought me in for over $82,000!!

I have been with the company since the beginning and only got $70,000. Are you telling me that you just got hired on and you got $82,000? What the hell, I still don't make that!

I have been with the company since the beginning and only got $70,000. Are you telling me that you just got hired on and you got $82,000? What the hell, I still don't make that!

I asked a new member of my division and they are getting more money than us and we had to do all the hard work, thanks a lot vivus/pdi

Are you serious. Are you that out of touch. If you have been here since the start and are still making less than the new people the answer is simple. You are still in the bottom half of sales. Sorry to be so cold but where were you when the top half of the sales force got salary adjustments last year? Must have still been in the bottom half. My adjustment put me way ahead of the new people. Where were you when they announced the new job discription pdi has to use to screen with. It cost more to bring in people with that experience and they all seem to be doing better than most of the others that have been in the bottom half since launch. I am not saying its perfect. I am not taking up for vivus or pdi. I am just saying wake up and think before you make a statement like that.

Are you serious. Are you that out of touch. If you have been here since the start and are still making less than the new people the answer is simple. You are still in the bottom half of sales. Sorry to be so cold but where were you when the top half of the sales force got salary adjustments last year? Must have still been in the bottom half. My adjustment put me way ahead of the new people. Where were you when they announced the new job discription pdi has to use to screen with. It cost more to bring in people with that experience and they all seem to be doing better than most of the others that have been in the bottom half since launch. I am not saying its perfect. I am not taking up for vivus or pdi. I am just saying wake up and think before you make a statement like that.

You are actually wrong. I was in the top 40% last year and 30% this year. Don't talk shit before you know what you are talking about my Vivus Fulltime Employee!! Your ass will be out the door with the rest of us, sales are tanking!!

You are actually wrong. I was in the top 40% last year and 30% this year. Don't talk shit before you know what you are talking about my Vivus Fulltime Employee!! Your ass will be out the door with the rest of us, sales are tanking!!

Numbers are down as well as our stock. We can't keep the doors open much longer. People are getting out of here!!

For the reps that are retained, your territory will increase but a nice raise will be included. Will only call on targeted Drs that are writing Qsymia already. Will make job somewhat easier. Raises will be very good.

Be prepared for major changes. More than 50% of the sales force will be let go.

I gave a warning to all. Please be aware that talks are continuing about more changes for our future. As long as I have a job, I will continue to let everyone know the truth. Please continue to look for better opportunities. I'm looking extremely hard myself.