All of the managers in the West are the most supportive, kind hearted, and high performing that one might hope to work with. We are all very fortunate to have the most talented managers in the industry. Especially the fellas in NorCal and PacNW!
Nice try there boys! You two will have your day in Lilly court once they start looking into your various scams. Your reps expense reports are fouled with personally horded gift cards, family dinner charges, and free lunches, all for personal use, and you freely approve them for all TMs, along with exorbitant bar tabs including lap dances and "tips" in which you personally participate. "Just expense it and I will approve it" is the usual comment, right boys! Maybe the East region could learn a thing or two? Can't beat em, join em? You bet!
If EG only knew the truth, he'd drain his swamp out West! Shame shame...