Who is left in Marketing?


Marketing thinks they are better than the salesforce. In fact, the most important people at any drug company to generate sales are those that negotiate with managed care. The rest of us really bring nothing to the company.

Marketing thinks they are better than the salesforce. In fact, the most important people at any drug company to generate sales are those that negotiate with managed care. The rest of us really bring nothing to the company.

I hope Dan Delanwah left, he was a total douchebag! He thought that he was a pharmacist and knew everything about COPD.

nope, he is still with BI, not a bad guy but not really a marketer, Graham Goodrich got promoted to VP, poor sales and launch of Stiolto did not stick to him and maybe it shouldn't have as the sales force refused to leave Spiriva and go all in, Global and medical produced no clinical evidence but still even better is that it did not stick to Kelli Duprey who has not demonstrated the ability to increase sales but is the ultimate manage up leader. Basically BI is not a results driven company but a politically correct driven company. That's all , it really is that simple.

nope, he is still with BI, not a bad guy but not really a marketer, Graham Goodrich got promoted to VP, poor sales and launch of Stiolto did not stick to him and maybe it shouldn't have as the sales force refused to leave Spiriva and go all in, Global and medical produced no clinical evidence but still even better is that it did not stick to Kelli Duprey who has not demonstrated the ability to increase sales but is the ultimate manage up leader. Basically BI is not a results driven company but a politically correct driven company. That's all , it really is that simple.

True, but I would add that those cut in restructuringd pay the price for pot sales.

Kelli Duprey is over her head big time. She has done what HQ wanted - cut heads. She does not have the leadership ability or the management acumen to grow the business. I give her 6 months. The new guy has already figured this out.