Go to work. Not for the company, not for yourself, but for the patient. Before all of the children start calling me OB or OB deciple or whatever other names they want to attach, ask yourself this......what if it were your spouse, your parents, your best friend who could have benefited from the product.
How pissed would you be if the rep for the drug they needed abandoned ship?
Think what you want about Eisai.... think what you want about our leadership....Hell, drop a deuce in the spare tire well if you have to just to get even, but dont screw a patient because of your own spite. If Karma does exist, it will be you screwed by another rep when you need them most.
Help as many as you can......then if you have to......move on.
Well, this would make sense if I were actually the Dr seeing the patient. But how do you think we (as reps) really help the patient??? By leaving samples? Really???? I can help the patients more by letting the Dr RX cheaper generic and actually saving the patient some $$.
HHC my ass!!