Who is doing well with Zipsor?

I am doing very well with Zipsor. Of course, everyone is different, but my experience has been remarkable.

Hats off to my physician, who did a *complete* history and workup. Zipsor is not for everyone, but it fit my profile very well, including insurance coverage.

Ask yourself this question - if you were a doctor, would prescibe a medication that cost significanlty more, while a more effective dose is available in a generic form at a consiberable cost savings? Makes P T Barnum statement about 'fooling the people some of the time' almost true.....

If national health care comes on board - companies like Xanodu will no longer exist - selling more expensive 'me too products'. I guess you guys better keep on voting Republican....

On yea that's right - we sell Duet too - a product that cost 3 x's more than genereics with actually less vitamins than the generics (other than folic acid). Hey - that is what makes this country great - if there is a sucker to buy something for as much money as we can get - we will sell it to them....

Before someone post - "... why am I here - hey, I am as big a hipocrit as the rest of upper management - but at least I admit it......

PT Barnum said "There's a sucker born every minute". The quote you're referring to was coined by one Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States.

I am doing very well with Zipsor. Of course, everyone is different, but my experience has been remarkable.

Hats off to my physician, who did a *complete* history and workup. Zipsor is not for everyone, but it fit my profile very well, including insurance coverage.

Scott, nobody believes a patient would offer a testimonial worded like this. Read the last sentence - pure marketing 101. Nobody buys your bs.

This mentality that everybody besides senior management is an idiot has doomed this company.

Your time would be better spent saving up hair clippings to make merkins.

I am doing very well with Zipsor. Of course, everyone is different, but my experience has been remarkable.

Hats off to my physician, who did a *complete* history and workup. Zipsor is not for everyone, but it fit my profile very well, including insurance coverage.

Scott, nobody believes a patient would offer a testimonial worded like this. Read the last sentence - pure marketing 101. Nobody buys your bs.

This mentality that everybody besides senior management is an idiot has doomed this company.

Your time would be better spent saving up hair clippings to make merkins.

I worked here for a short time-used it as a paycheck. It cracks me up seeing these post! These patient testimonials are loaded with bullshit. No patient are going to come on CP and talk how Zipsor helped them. It just doesn't happen. No other company has post like these. Just sayin. Reeks of management. I wish the best for you reps but management here is sad.

I worked here for a short time-used it as a paycheck. It cracks me up seeing these post! These patient testimonials are loaded with bullshit. No patient are going to come on CP and talk how Zipsor helped them. It just doesn't happen. No other company has post like these. Just sayin. Reeks of management. I wish the best for you reps but management here is sad.

Management is NOT sad. This is not management writing this. No, I am an average Jane with the company and we, i mean, management is not sad at all. Now, get back to work before you get fired.

I worked here for a short time-used it as a paycheck. It cracks me up seeing these post! These patient testimonials are loaded with bullshit. No patient are going to come on CP and talk how Zipsor helped them. It just doesn't happen. No other company has post like these. Just sayin. Reeks of management. I wish the best for you reps but management here is sad.

so true...Only at Xanodork do managers come on to try and place puff-piece propaganda to mitigate negative post about there ever-so-useful products...


Zipsor is truly a big ass joke. My husband was prescribed this so called pain reliever and it does not work. Maybe for a hang nail. He is in so much pain it breaks my heart and the stupid Doctor that prescribes it probably gets a nice trip or kick back of some kind when he prescribes Zipsor. They want the blind public to buy this sucky company for $86 million dollars? I think not! It cost a lot of money for this freakin drug so don't take it. The side effects are horrible. Aleve works better!

I'm so mad that a little ol company in Kentucky with a whole 179 employees can get away with selling this sucky drug that does not work and they laugh all the way to the bank!

Zipsor SUCKS as a pain medication. Costs a bundle and won't work at all. Xano! Listen up! the public is on to you and your lame claims that this is the answer for back pain.

the threshold of pain is different for everyone, one product might work great for one, but might not be suitable for another--that is why there are many products to choose from for pain, as for aleve working better, why didnt your husband take that in the first place instead of waisting time and money with a physician and then paying a prescription cost

Re: Who is doing well with Zipsor? Is the best med. I have been given in the last 13

You are not alone out there. Zipsor is a joke and doctors realize it. Sucks that we will be forced to look for another job in the near future.

I think meds work different for people. Zipsor is the best drug I have been given in the last 13 years. Its the only one that reduces swelling in my leg and helps the pain. pain pills do nothing. pain pills are like eating peanuts, I take alot of medication and I know what I'm talking about. Chronic pain is a nightmare. My problem is I have cap out for the year with medicare drug and need a way to pay for it for the rest of the year. I can't afford 300.00 with after medicare pays 3 more times this year.

Amazing how this same link was posted on the Sunovion site exactly today. Coincidence? Its sad that a little man who cuts hair for a living can't get over the fact that one of his reps kicked his tiny ass in court and showed what a poor leader he was. She won and Xanodyne settled. She is out of the industry and her husband is rich so there is nothing you can do to her Scott. My gosh get over it and atop trolling this site it really is sad.

I tried to get my Zipzor refilled today and the pharmacy told me it was discontinued. Checked with my doc and his office told me the same thing. Has anyone else heard anything about this medication being discontinued and why?