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Who even WANTS to stay here?


At this point, who even wants a job at the end of this mess? management has completely eroded any company loyalty. I am looking hard to get out before they announce the new roles.


And that, folks, is the whole point of "Go to Market"

That ancient German Lady and that Super Awkward Lady should have just said it.

"We are going to make you so miserable that you just quit."

Would have taken less than a minute.

At this point, who even wants a job at the end of this mess? management has completely eroded any company loyalty. I am looking hard to get out before they announce the new roles.

I agree, but you should attempt to stay through June 30th. I would only leave before then if it is some amazing opportunity or you aren't leaving much severance on the table.

I agree that the severance would be nice, but I also agree that there are some good jobs out there and I am not going to pass one up to gamble on a severance. If other people leave, I may get "slotted" and then I would have passed up the good job and not get a severance. I think the sure thing is a good bet.

I agree that the severance would be nice, but I also agree that there are some good jobs out there and I am not going to pass one up to gamble on a severance. If other people leave, I may get "slotted" and then I would have passed up the good job and not get a severance. I think the sure thing is a good bet.
Lol, good point. It depends on your particular circumstance age (retirement status), work history, $ and so forth. Good luck

I agree that the severance would be nice, but I also agree that there are some good jobs out there and I am not going to pass one up to gamble on a severance. If other people leave, I may get "slotted" and then I would have passed up the good job and not get a severance. I think the sure thing is a good bet.

That makes sense regarding reps in the placement process. I am in one of the divisions eliminated and had the option of interviewing internally. Everybody has a different situation at the end of the day. Good luck.

The truth is, what are you going to have to sell if you stay here? Pradaxa? Well, okay, but that's for only about another year. All of respiratory is doomed, Spiriva, off patent next year. Stiolto? Doing way less than 1% of market share nationally, flat to declining. Metabolic? Actually, that seems the only area that might be possible. I have no complaints personally about any of the people I with/for, but business is business. The products are just not there right now. My prediction is even after this we will have more cuts.

At this point they should just offer voluntary severance. Why bother keeping people who don't want to work here. As soon as they make announcements, the GOOD reps will be making their announcements AND WILL DEPART one by one. BI will be left with the undesireables. And this will set them up for layoff # 2 in 1 to 2 years from now.

BI and some other pharma companies haven't learned that if you don't pay talent, someone else will and there goes your sales force.

So long BI.....

Has anyone heard this or had a counterpart experience this:

apparently BI forces you to submit your resignation letter when a potential future employer requests verification on employment status and W-2 info? I heard that this happened to someone in another region who just left. If this is true, that is really underhanded. I get about not wanting employees to double-dip (and lets be real, it would only be a few bad apples. I believe by far the majority of employees here are ethical), but if something comes up in your pre-employment background check that causes a future employer to pull their offer, now you are screwed out of two jobs! WTH??? Can anyone verify this? Pure craziness and if true, pretty damn shitty of BI to do. I have never had a previous employer pull something shady like this!

I agree that the severance would be nice, but I also agree that there are some good jobs out there and I am not going to pass one up to gamble on a severance. If other people leave, I may get "slotted" and then I would have passed up the good job and not get a severance. I think the sure thing is a good bet.

Left early, gave up severance because sticking it out at BI isn't worth it and got a sign-on bonus at the new company, which made up for it. Why let BI dictate terms that only work for them and no one else. I can see why there's no severance for jobs NOT being cut, for now, like Cardio BUT why does a laid-off employee have to wait until June 30 for severance when their job has been cut??? More of BI BS of trying to have their rotten cake and eat it too - they want the bodies to continue to sell (oh..that would mean we'd need some actual products that docs want) AND lay people off on their terms.

Has anyone heard this or had a counterpart experience this:

apparently BI forces you to submit your resignation letter when a potential future employer requests verification on employment status and W-2 info? I heard that this happened to someone in another region who just left. If this is true, that is really underhanded. I get about not wanting employees to double-dip (and lets be real, it would only be a few bad apples. I believe by far the majority of employees here are ethical), but if something comes up in your pre-employment background check that causes a future employer to pull their offer, now you are screwed out of two jobs! WTH??? Can anyone verify this? Pure craziness and if true, pretty damn shitty of BI to do. I have never had a previous employer pull something shady like this!
It could be someone getting a loan for a car or refinancing their house or applying for tuition for summer school for their kid. All of which require employment verification.

It could be someone getting a loan for a car or refinancing their house or applying for tuition for summer school for their kid. All of which require employment verification.
Hey dipshit,

If a bank is calling they would say "hey, this is so and so from Bank X asking about so and so. Do they work here?"

Another company is going to send up red flags. Please tell me you don't drive a car around and sell our products if you are this dumb

Has anyone heard this or had a counterpart experience this:

apparently BI forces you to submit your resignation letter when a potential future employer requests verification on employment status and W-2 info? I heard that this happened to someone in another region who just left. If this is true, that is really underhanded. I get about not wanting employees to double-dip (and lets be real, it would only be a few bad apples. I believe by far the majority of employees here are ethical), but if something comes up in your pre-employment background check that causes a future employer to pull their offer, now you are screwed out of two jobs! WTH??? Can anyone verify this? Pure craziness and if true, pretty damn shitty of BI to do. I have never had a previous employer pull something shady like this!
If you are leaving, just indicate that you don't want your employer to contact BI HR Dept.
To verify your employment, furnish your paystub and W2 YOURSELF.
Most companies know the sensitivity of this situation and allow you to verify your current employer yourself.
If this is happening and retaliation is taking place there is no way to prove it. But there is a way to prevent it from happening.

complain all you want, but not one of you (me included) are just going to quit and then look around for a job...after the layoffs, there will be a lot of huffing and puffing, former counterparts calling and crying to you about how tough it is in the 'real world' meanwhile this cushy comfy job starts feeling like that nice lifeboat to float around in.

complain all you want, but not one of you (me included) are just going to quit and then look around for a job...after the layoffs, there will be a lot of huffing and puffing, former counterparts calling and crying to you about how tough it is in the 'real world' meanwhile this cushy comfy job starts feeling like that nice lifeboat to float around in.
A real job pays about $55-60K to start. I have looked outside pharma at companies that outwardly support the industry we are in (medical supplies like Siemens) and completely outside the industry selling machine parts, ect. Lots of travel. Shitty benefits with $5-7K deductibles. You think physician offices are tough, job shadow someone who sells tools and industrial supplies for Grainger. Spend a day trying to talk to mechanics and city officials that maintain municipal equipment and imagine eeking out a commission and relying on a base salary that's half of what you're making now and getting home at 8 every night tired and sweaty from going into factories and trying to sell tools to the shop foreman. That's the real world. You people have no idea.

A real job pays about $55-60K to start. I have looked outside pharma at companies that outwardly support the industry we are in (medical supplies like Siemens) and completely outside the industry selling machine parts, ect. Lots of travel. Shitty benefits with $5-7K deductibles. You think physician offices are tough, job shadow someone who sells tools and industrial supplies for Grainger. Spend a day trying to talk to mechanics and city officials that maintain municipal equipment and imagine eeking out a commission and relying on a base salary that's half of what you're making now and getting home at 8 every night tired and sweaty from going into factories and trying to sell tools to the shop foreman. That's the real world. You people have no idea.
Last part of my post got cut off. My husband does this and he is gone 3 weeks a month. I am fearful of loosing my job here been here 9 years. We have 3 teenagers. We are hopeful and at times terrified of what will happen in June.

Last part of my post got cut off. My husband does this and he is gone 3 weeks a month. I am fearful of loosing my job here been here 9 years. We have 3 teenagers. We are hopeful and at times terrified of what will happen in June.

who the F is gonna work for 55-60k. you can drive for uber and make that.