No way. These role plays are AWESOME. Even more awesome is all the time it’s taking away from being in the field. Everyone knows the way you increase sales is for the field to be out of the field a lot.
Virtual National Sales Meeting, district “deep dives,” Q2 call plan webexs, adjusting and lowering goals on your call plan, “office hours,” validation, validation olympics, forced posting on Alks2go, etc. Leaves much less time for selling...genius!
I know the idea is that spending all this time on these rollouts now will pay off down the road, but the problem is what we re spending time on. It is clear that anyone that is implementing all this hasn’t personally sold jack shit in years. But what else is new?
Policy and senior management got their ass handed to them so badly by suboxone on state and federal levels, even during an opioid epidemic, that we’ve basically waved the white flag on OUD. Now, with the pressure on, we’re ramping up sales by taking more time out of the field and killing morale by training everyone to be show up and throw up reps. So much for the “culture.” Unless you like small pharma with a big pharma culture.
Here’s a crazy idea...go to the TBM’s that have had sustained success throughout the years. Ask what they do. Probe what they do. Forget the focus groups and marketing messages created by people that have never sold shit or haven’t sold shit in the last 10-20 years. I’m pretty sure that would have a greater impact, and cost millions less.