Who do you miss the most?

Wow, glad a grammar error made your day. But as the poster said, you are Acumed's bitch. Tonight when you go to sleep you will be Acumed's bitch. You will wake up as Acumed's bitch.

At least the poster admitted a mistake and didn't go crying to cafepharma on having a post removed.
That's more than one can say about JR

To the op of finding the word found instead of fond,
I bet a grammar error is the best part of your day if you had to live life as Acumed's bitch.

Aren't you glad you pointed out the mistake, grammar police?

I work at Acumed to help people lead more active and more satisfying lives.

Boy, I guess I was wrong about you. Acumed is so lucky to have someone like you.

You want to help people lead a more active and satisfying life and that’s why you work for Acumed. Yet you bitch and complain about Acumed to a message board-thus you are Acumed’s bitch.

Well at least you are helping others find satisfaction in life.

Enjoy that.


Let me know if I made any grammar errors. Maybe pointing out my mistakes will satisfy you and make your day.

Boy, I guess I was wrong about you. Acumed is so lucky to have someone like you.

You want to help people lead a more active and satisfying life and that’s why you work for Acumed. Yet you bitch and complain about Acumed to a message board-thus you are Acumed’s bitch.

Well at least you are helping others find satisfaction in life.

Enjoy that.


Let me know if I made any grammar errors. Maybe pointing out my mistakes will satisfy you and make your day.

Glad to do so.

That should be easy for everyone: Kelly Packard, Randy Huebner, Mark Lott, Chad Martin, Ray Malytar, Larry Brockhaus, Hub Respis, Greg Blum, Jeff Hildebrand, John Livingston, Marshall Capps, and Clay "Full Throttle" Clark!

Agents are not employees.

Yes, Agents are 1099's. However, those who were dedicated to Acumed and worked for a number of years for the company were part of the Acumed "family". Most of those listed contributed far more to the company than the majority of "employees". Their generation of revenue allowed the company to prosper and made it possible for many of the employees to have their jobs.

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