
Who was the one responsible for the recent IC plan? Some states have such CVS and others have almost none?

Midwest and I think some South states have a large percentage of CVS and no matter what they tell us to do with their ridiculous exception letters, it's not working. Patients are dropping like flies, prescribers don't want to even use the product and most of the reps are at the bottom. I'm in a state where some territories are doing well and others are not doing well at all as we have more CVS than others. Some states, not effected at all.

that's why so many leaving. I told my dsm, and he couldn't have cared less as he's still getting paid on the few reps that are doing well in his district while I'm making no money. this will go on for multiple quarters if not a year so I'm about outta here.

Did they have NO clue how much this would impact us? OR did they just not care? I think they did not care. I heard there are many openings and that's why.

these success stories they want are so ridiculous too. there are no success stories. it's all made up horsecrap

Whoever he or she is , he or she is an idiot! I'm in DC making NO money!! 0 payout for a year. complete crap. I'm out of here soon. Not dealing with no bonus money and low salary.

Emgality-CVS coverage
Emgality-no constipation warning
Emgality-no alopecia warning
Emgality-no hypertension warning
Emgality-has a 30 day bridge
Emgality-no pa has to be done for a month

TN do you wonder why we are losing?Do you care?

Emgality-CVS coverage
Emgality-no constipation warning
Emgality-no alopecia warning
Emgality-no hypertension warning
Emgality-has a 30 day bridge
Emgality-no pa has to be done for a month

TN do you wonder why we are losing?Do you care?

I made the IC plan. Sorry was home drinking when I did it. Good luck losers. KD

Emgality-CVS coverage
Emgality-no constipation warning
Emgality-no alopecia warning
Emgality-no hypertension warning
Emgality-has a 30 day bridge
Emgality-no pa has to be done for a month

TN do you wonder why we are losing?Do you care?

She didn't even know we had NO bridge and Lilly does! TN didn't know. how can she not know?

Who was the one responsible for the recent IC plan? Some states have such CVS and others have almost none?

Midwest and I think some South states have a large percentage of CVS and no matter what they tell us to do with their ridiculous exception letters, it's not working. Patients are dropping like flies, prescribers don't want to even use the product and most of the reps are at the bottom. I'm in a state where some territories are doing well and others are not doing well at all as we have more CVS than others. Some states, not effected at all.

that's why so many leaving. I told my dsm, and he couldn't have cared less as he's still getting paid on the few reps that are doing well in his district while I'm making no money. this will go on for multiple quarters if not a year so I'm about outta here.

Did they have NO clue how much this would impact us? OR did they just not care? I think they did not care. I heard there are many openings and that's why.

these success stories they want are so ridiculous too. there are no success stories. it's all made up horsecrap

the only states winning are the states with little to no cvs

they love the plan as there are many of us who will make little to nothing

was it TN? Was it TQ (RSD) was it BM in home office making up this crap plan?

Honestly, it is fair....I think you just need to understand it and figure out how to win instead of complaining
figure out how to win? With loads of CVS. What are you smoking? there is no win!

TN should give hardship bonuses to all of us effected. This is the #1 payer in the country. complete bull

figure out how to win? With loads of CVS. What are you smoking? there is no win!

TN should give hardship bonuses to all of us effected. This is the #1 payer in the country. complete bull

completely BULL is right.

Novartis all got hardship bonuses when they had negative effects from payers. TN does not CARE!

the only states winning are the states with little to no cvs

they love the plan as there are many of us who will make little to nothing

was it TN? Was it TQ (RSD) was it BM in home office making up this crap plan?

Michigan and a couple other states doing great as they have very little cvs. one of the reps in one territory in Michigan has been gone for over 4 months and the territory is number 1 or 2 in the country with no rep in it as there is no cvs. this is a total joke. that mgr. is one of the top managers due to no cvs-other states like fl have very little cvs too and California doesn't have as much