Who actually manufactures Xymogen products?

Actually, I do. GMPs for pharmaceutical products are far more stringent in areas of testing and cleaning. Dietary Supplement GMPs are very new, roughly equivalent to cosmetic GMPs. In the past, dietary supplements were considered food additives and could be manufactured in facilities meeting food GMPs, the same GMPs that regulate peanut butter manufacturing, very seldom enforced. That is why there have been so many vitamin manufacturers and why so many of them are doing so poorly when the FDA is now coming in to inspect to the new dietary supplement GMPs.

Actually, I do. GMPs for pharmaceutical products are far more stringent in areas of testing and cleaning. Dietary Supplement GMPs are very new, roughly equivalent to cosmetic GMPs. In the past, dietary supplements were considered food additives and could be manufactured in facilities meeting food GMPs, the same GMPs that regulate peanut butter manufacturing, very seldom enforced. That is why there have been so many vitamin manufacturers and why so many of them are doing so poorly when the FDA is now coming in to inspect to the new dietary supplement GMPs.

Your post continues absent of specific example. What are the differences in micro specs? What are the differences in material handling? Quarantine? Lab analysis?

Are you implying that Xymogen's facility is pharmaceutical equivalent? Certain aspects of dietary supplement gmps are pharmaceutical equivalent as they are based on pharma GMPs, but in totality there are several differences including laboratory requirements. What would happen were you to carry an aspirin in to your production areas?

There are several good reasons why the FDA is now discouraging dual use facilities (drug/dietary supplement) and it is due primarily to concerns of contamination brought in with herbals. Quarantine and testing of raw materials is more stringent, pharma companies have never been allowed to rely on DOA and third party assay and fortunately it looks as if dietary supplement companies will no longer, either. Sorry guys, no more dry-labbing.

Well Xymogen is growing and doing a good job in sales but their quality are not the best. I worked for this company and they import their raw mater from China, New Zealand and other countries where they can find them cheap. Th ey use lots of sugar in their mixes and I don't know if the sugar content in their labels are true. Things like the Omega 3 pills are also imported and they just bottle and label them. Very few products are dispensed and blended there. A lot of Chinese vegetarian protein is used and most of the whey is from New Zealand just because if the price. The FDA doesn't care about this cimpanc and they never go to supervise or check on their SOP's. More than half of their manufacture plant workers don't even speak English. I do not know how they comunicate. But as for cleanliness it is well kept and throughly cleaned, they keep good eye on that, no doubt.