Who’s NEXT New Year Ax Tracker

Does Alcon know that Dindial was given her position in the Midwest because nobody wanted it? Literally! NOBODY wanted it. Grady, the functional alcoholic gave her that position after it was left open for months and nobody came forward. Her team hated her guts. In Alcon’s infinite wisdom, they gifted her with a position in the Northeast. She was a failure in TX and she will be a failure in NY. Her one and ONLY P-Club wins at Aerie came with 6 months in the field. Not even a full year of data.

Does Alcon know that Dindial was given her position in the Midwest because nobody wanted it? Literally! NOBODY wanted it. Grady, the functional alcoholic gave her that position after it was left open for months and nobody came forward. Her team hated her guts. In Alcon’s infinite wisdom, they gifted her with a position in the Northeast. She was a failure in TX and she will be a failure in NY. Her one and ONLY P-Club wins at Aerie came with 6 months in the field. Not even a full year of data.

I’m so happy I landed another job, so I didn’t have to work for this fat mess! Our previous manager was far superior.

Ok pharma fools. Your drama is a little much. You are sissies driving around dropping in adding zero value. Let’s cut all you deadweights first and then figure the rest out

Ok pharma fools. Your drama is a little much. You are sissies driving around dropping in adding zero value. Let’s cut all you deadweights first and then figure the rest out

You are such a loser! Do you really believe the crap that you are saying? Device sales is the same shit as Pharma sales. It doesn’t take anymore skill, knowledge or experience. Keep drinking the Kool Aid.

Alcon sells fake eyesight

why is it that only 13% of all cataract patients get advanced lenses? Why ? Why?

ask your OPH who is not a money whore. Ask a real caring ophthalmologist

not a shit bag Alcon crook surgeon.

Do you know how many patients wish they never got Alcon lenses? Halos ALL DAY LONG

yea 13% cataracts = atiols.

sell more snake oil.

Alcon sells fake eyesight

why is it that only 13% of all cataract patients get advanced lenses? Why ? Why?

ask your OPH who is not a money whore. Ask a real caring ophthalmologist

not a shit bag Alcon crook surgeon.

Do you know how many patients wish they never got Alcon lenses? Halos ALL DAY LONG

yea 13% cataracts = atiols.

sell more snake oil.

it’s true. Alcon thinks everyone believes in ATIOLS. So far from the truth.

Ask the team of the year in Texas. Everyone knows a bunch of duds and Texas economy is booming. A dead squirrel can win sale rep of year in Texas

it’s a great post. Everyone from other areas of the country come in to Alcon and they all drink the Texas kool-aid instantly.

never let your career get stuck in Texas.

Not much of secret that Texas peeps cant sell and pretend to be winners. Everyone knows what is really going on. Managers are funny to watch them believe they are doing something

cooper vision is the biggest group of us sales idiots. The sales m as agents are lazy as shot and haven’t left their houses in years. The one in as has left her house in a decade.