Which ASMs should go?

That must be why we are allowed to load accounts this year with Rimadyl and whatever else we can jam on their shelves. Didn't someone get written up for selling Oradell to much Rimadyl? Looks like they just took a big order? Who is responsible for that? Looks like some one should be written up immediately.

So keep selling 2010 product into 2009, loading the channel and misleading investors as to the performance of CAD.

I thought that loading in product was frowned upon by Pfizer Inc.?
How can it be done in PAH without causing problems with Pfizer Inc.?

GF will no longer be at the helm of the ship in less than 30 days for the Field....trust me, this is happening..and for everyone's sake this will be the best thing for the sales team.
It will be the best XMAS gift you will get, you will wake up on xmas morning and the lump of coal that you are used to seeing (GF) will be replaced with a shiny new, cool toy....your day is coming.
And all of those ASM's AND Corporate Account Managers...who we all know suck...will be on notice.
merry xmas.

GF will no longer be at the helm of the ship in less than 30 days for the Field....trust me, this is happening..and for everyone's sake this will be the best thing for the sales team.
It will be the best XMAS gift you will get, you will wake up on xmas morning and the lump of coal that you are used to seeing (GF) will be replaced with a shiny new, cool toy....your day is coming.
And all of those ASM's AND Corporate Account Managers...who we all know suck...will be on notice.
merry xmas.

Believe that when it happens. By the way thought we were at 100%??? Guess it was wishful thinking.

GF will no longer be at the helm of the ship in less than 30 days for the Field....trust me, this is happening..and for everyone's sake this will be the best thing for the sales team.
It will be the best XMAS gift you will get, you will wake up on xmas morning and the lump of coal that you are used to seeing (GF) will be replaced with a shiny new, cool toy....your day is coming.
And all of those ASM's AND Corporate Account Managers...who we all know suck...will be on notice.
merry xmas.

Oh please, please, please let it be Odis & Dave S. who follow GF out the door! I've been really good this year, Santa, and this would be the best xmas present ever!! It would be even better if they were escorted out the door and disgraced in the process. It might make up for some of the angst and hell they have caused SO MANY people over the years.
Counting down the days!

Oh please, please, please let it be Odis & Dave S. who follow GF out the door! I've been really good this year, Santa, and this would be the best xmas present ever!! It would be even better if they were escorted out the door and disgraced in the process. It might make up for some of the angst and hell they have caused SO MANY people over the years.
Counting down the days!

What about C.L. too?

Oh please, please, please let it be Odis & Dave S. who follow GF out the door! I've been really good this year, Santa, and this would be the best xmas present ever!! It would be even better if they were escorted out the door and disgraced in the process. It might make up for some of the angst and hell they have caused SO MANY people over the years.
Counting down the days!

Those two are George's biggest mistakes. You are only as good as those around you, and George made HUGE mistakes insulating himself with those two.

Those two are George's biggest mistakes. You are only as good as those around you, and George made HUGE mistakes insulating himself with those two.

I think it was the copy of "Ultimate Courage" GF handed out to the entire sales force that let me know this guy was a few cards short of a full deck. Comparing the Northwest passage to...? what the hell was he comparing it too? G could you sign my copy? You and people like you are what is wrong in American society today, you've done nothing positive for your country but become leach along with your friends OP and DS. You have demonstrated an arrogant, aggressive, vindictive, pathologic, evil, and politically motivated strategy; courageous not so much, so start using the correct adjectives when you get up to spew your bs.

I think it was the copy of "Ultimate Courage" GF handed out to the entire sales force that let me know this guy was a few cards short of a full deck. Comparing the Northwest passage to...? what the hell was he comparing it too? G could you sign my copy? You and people like you are what is wrong in American society today, you've done nothing positive for your country but become leach along with your friends OP and DS. You have demonstrated an arrogant, aggressive, vindictive, pathologic, evil, and politically motivated strategy; courageous not so much, so start using the correct adjectives when you get up to spew your bs.

Yeah George...."Hope is NOT a strategy". Isn't that what "they" say??? The fraternity that goes on here must stop. Animal Health is failing on so many different levels. Maybe you need to pick up that Oz Principle, and learn a bit about accountability. (George and the rest of his pledges)

What about "changing the beliefs" of your veterinarians? I guess it doesn't matter what they or any of the challenges associated with "installing" one of your failures. Call Odis he'll change their "beliefs" he always said he could win a debate against any veterinary specialist in immunology, etc, I'd pay to see that... it would go something like Forest Gump explaining quantum mechanics to Einstein. George you have put together one crack team of idiots. Your poor judgment of character and poor "leadership" will haunt you for a long time.

This company exists in a pathological world where identity and personal worth are determined solely by the perverted code of the corporation. The corporation decides who has value and who does not, who advances and who is left behind. It rewards the most compliant, craven and manipulative, and discards the losers who can’t or won't play the game, those who do not accumulate status fast enough, or who fail to fully subsume their individuality into the corporate collective. It dominates the internal and external lives of its employees, leaving them without time for family or solitude—without time for self-reflection—and drives them into a state of perpetual nervous exhaustion. It breaks them down, especially in their early years in the company, a period in which they are humiliated and pressured to work such long hours that many will sleep very little. This hazing process eliminates from the system most of those with backbone, fortitude and dignity.

This company exists in a pathological world where identity and personal worth are determined solely by the perverted code of the corporation. The corporation decides who has value and who does not, who advances and who is left behind. It rewards the most compliant, craven and manipulative, and discards the losers who can’t or won't play the game, those who do not accumulate status fast enough, or who fail to fully subsume their individuality into the corporate collective. It dominates the internal and external lives of its employees, leaving them without time for family or solitude—without time for self-reflection—and drives them into a state of perpetual nervous exhaustion. It breaks them down, especially in their early years in the company, a period in which they are humiliated and pressured to work such long hours that many will sleep very little. This hazing process eliminates from the system most of those with backbone, fortitude and dignity.

Amen....especially the last sentence.

You little fucks probably had a nice little reunion this week. Raising your glass and cheering to your conquests and destruction. Someone and their family are suffering greatly now from the damage caused by you ...

Amen....especially the last sentence.

I couldn't agree more with this statement. The ones that get left behind are those that question, try to improve processes, creative and really try to improve the business. The folks (especially ASMs) that simply kiss ass are the promoted ones and hang around regardless of their complete lack of any sense of congnitive ability.

Once again MC.....No trip. Have you ever made it?? You looked like you were sweating a little tonight. I guess your unethical Convenia selling didn't work to your advantage after all. Your poor team.

These meetings are SOOOOOO boring now with all the "fun and normal" mgrs gone. JD from Boston, EJ from mid atlantic, SR from VA, and way too many others to name. And can anyone tell me why this meeting has to be so long? I'm dying here!
After seeing who won the trip (the same people AGAIN) I can't wait to see their ridiculously low quotas again for this year. What does it take to get in that club of deflated quotas year after year? Oh yeah, you have to sell your soul and give up all character and integrity to hang with the likes of OP and DS-NO THANKS, I'll pass.