Typical one hit wonder (tough guy who throws one punch and runs). Obviously I do and I wasn't trying to boast. If you read the context leading up to that statement then you would know why I did. I do not normally post on here either but felt the need to speak up and say you can achieve a good market share without "Medicaid". That particular individual was complaining about Medicaid and how people with Medicaid coverage are the only ones making large bonuses. People get so wrapped up in what they think cant be done based on certain restrictions. The point I was trying to make is that you focus on what you can do with what you have and get better at it each day. This obviously wasn't my first post and now probably won't be my last. Out!Who writes their initials on here? Seriously? Trying to boast on this stupid site...if your numbers are that good let them speak for themselves. To those of you complaining about coverage- I get it. It's not perfect. But suck it up and enjoy the decent company we work for. I mean seriously, my manager might be awful but we rarely have to even see them. So put on a smile, do your job (or sit on your couch and job search) and make some decent money for the time being. If that doesn't make you happy then go buy a lottery ticket. You have a better shot at winning the lottery than anyone caring about your meaningful cafepharma posts. First and last post. Out!