Where to go?


Just reached my second Sabbatical. Haven't been able to move on/up at GNE (Roche) looking for another company. Any suggestions for a company similar to GNE 10-15 years ago?
I'm in Commercial- looking for FRM or CS position. Would like to move away from Bay Area.
Thank you.


There are lots of little companies that are dying for anyone with Genentech in their resume, even if you, like most, lack much experience and have not had to really hustle. You can name your price. But then you have to work and perform.

Having Genentech in your resume used to mean something. Now it does not. Overpaid underperforming reps. In the managed care area, all you need to do to succeed is suck up to Kent. Just look at Zymowski

Couldn't agree more with respect to managed care. what a disaster....so many unhappy folks have left in the last couple years. All the dickheads remain. Not me! Outta there.

Don't stay there too long if you're looking to leave, you'll be labeled as believing in mediocrity and sailing by....... being at Genentech isn't perceived as top notch outside as it is inside, especially for those with onc experience.