Try a couple hundred, which is probably about the same as you. With a mindset like your's, it's no wonder MDs don't see value in interacting with reps and reps are becoming obsolete.
You might try listening to someone else for a change or at the very least listen to your customers and what they are really saying.
Totally agree coaching is important, one can benefit learn and change , but the problem is the coach's lack of skill ,knowledge, and experience giving the feedback. I 'm not a good or knowledgeable swimmer, so should i be coaching olympic gold swimmer michael phelps on what he did or did not do correctly and how he can improve? Maybe he should have an open mind and listen to me when i say his back stroke needs work? Maybe the DM's should all be proven CS's of the year or Sales consistency to give feedback? Look some feedback can be helpful but most is not from my experience