Where is our "Supposed" Leadership?

You expect positive comments and notes here? Grow up and how in the hell do you know who’s posting?

How about you grow up and learn how to run a business. Its pretty obvious no one expects anything positive on here except for gossip and shit talking. So how about you reread what the previous poster wrote regarding the alarming comments you dense old fart. Unless you're also part of that demented homo tendency club. Oh hold on.. Of course! It makes sense now. Its because you find it perfectly normal for your leadership team to show their disgusting tempers and bizarre "dong" fantasies.
And dont even act like you dont know who's been posting those fucked up things. So fix it.

How about you grow up and learn how to run a business. Its pretty obvious no one expects anything positive on here except for gossip and shit talking. So how about you reread what the previous poster wrote regarding the alarming comments you dense old fart. Unless you're also part of that demented homo tendency club. Oh hold on.. Of course! It makes sense now. Its because you find it perfectly normal for your leadership team to show their disgusting tempers and bizarre "dong" fantasies.
And dont even act like you dont know who's been posting those fucked up things. So fix it.

Oh my! Oh my! Where are our leaders how will I possibly know what to do if someone isn’t always telling me! I’m so scared!! Should I even leave my house? Oh my leaders please please heed my call and direct me on everything I should be doing!

How about you grow up and learn how to run a business. Its pretty obvious no one expects anything positive on here except for gossip and shit talking. So how about you reread what the previous poster wrote regarding the alarming comments you dense old fart. Unless you're also part of that demented homo tendency club. Oh hold on.. Of course! It makes sense now. Its because you find it perfectly normal for your leadership team to show their disgusting tempers and bizarre "dong" fantasies.
And dont even act like you dont know who's been posting those fucked up things. So fix it.

Hi if you see leadership can you ask them if I can eat? I’m hungry but how can I possibly rely on myself!?’!!? Signed wetting my pants

so now the head of marketing back stabber and our fearless woman of sales ops dance grinder or whatever it is now are having their initials blocked. Or it’s the Italian coward sales director. Anntonnny. You are all the scum of the scum. I hope you all get back 100000x what you have done to people. You are horrible people that lied and cheated your way up

DSI leadership if you even want to refer to those rejects as “leaders” in the end will always hurt their own people. They are dumb. Let me repeat they are DUMB. And they are immature. At this stage of the game they are only looking out for their own ass. Tokyo look into it. If you haven’t already. They threw away strong DMs. Picked apart teams. They give zero fucks about us.
Also they’re all a bunch of alcoholics. In case you haven’t noticed. And their resident whore is the worse. We get it..you need a token female up there with you guys. Boy what a joke she is. In fact what a joke the entire NSM was. We are doomed. Accept your fate.

DSI leadership if you even want to refer to those rejects as “leaders” in the end will always hurt their own people. They are dumb. Let me repeat they are DUMB. And they are immature. At this stage of the game they are only looking out for their own ass. Tokyo look into it. If you haven’t already. They threw away strong DMs. Picked apart teams. They give zero fucks about us.
Also they’re all a bunch of alcoholics. In case you haven’t noticed. And their resident whore is the worse. We get it..you need a token female up there with you guys. Boy what a joke she is. In fact what a joke the entire NSM was. We are doomed. Accept your fate.

Wait what will we possibly do wothout our leaders! Oh I hope you don’t leave because of this? You seem so smart woth your insightful posts it’s amazing to me you’re only a rep? How have we looked over you so many times? I’ll try and help, you don’t like people who drink? Wait is this Ryan!!!! Ohh I’m squealing in delight. The NSM was great and I thought our folks were terrific

Wait what will we possibly do wothout our leaders! Oh I hope you don’t leave because of this? You seem so smart woth your insightful posts it’s amazing to me you’re only a rep? How have we looked over you so many times? I’ll try and help, you don’t like people who drink? Wait is this Ryan!!!! Ohh I’m squealing in delight. The NSM was great and I thought our folks were terrific

Thanks Lisicki

Wait what will we possibly do wothout our leaders! Oh I hope you don’t leave because of this? You seem so smart woth your insightful posts it’s amazing to me you’re only a rep? How have we looked over you so many times? I’ll try and help, you don’t like people who drink? Wait is this Ryan!!!! Ohh I’m squealing in delight. The NSM was great and I thought our folks were terrific

Thanks lisooocki

Wait what will we possibly do wothout our leaders! Oh I hope you don’t leave because of this? You seem so smart woth your insightful posts it’s amazing to me you’re only a rep? How have we looked over you so many times? I’ll try and help, you don’t like people who drink? Wait is this Ryan!!!! Ohh I’m squealing in delight. The NSM was great and I thought our folks were terrific

This is not a diss to Ryan but he’s prob at a gym bench pressing as opposed to wasting his time trolling cafepharma. Don’t know the guy well but he seems like a good person. I highly doubt he’s on here typing things like “zero fucks”. Hey DSI has screwed way too many people over. Good luck narrowing down that list.
But have fun squealing like a lil bitch from Deliverance. Insert banjo music

This is not a diss to Ryan but he’s prob at a gym bench pressing as opposed to wasting his time trolling cafepharma. Don’t know the guy well but he seems like a good person. I highly doubt he’s on here typing things like “zero fucks”. Hey DSI has screwed way too many people over. Good luck narrowing down that list.
But have fun squealing like a lil bitch from Deliverance. Insert banjo music

Oh boo boo what are we to do I’m so scared and alone wondering where my leaders are. Give me some Movantik so I can poop!

leadership? It’s ReHo and Sw( I married a top execs daughter) Not a stellar group. Both are drunks. And both are back stabbers. She is not too bright and “hit” the mark. He “hit it” too. His prize is gone now. It didn’t hurt him though