Where is Dr. Bostwick?

More bad news...

We are writing to inform you that we have ceased marketing three tests, Prosta Seq, Wound Seq and Ura Seq, that Bostwick Laboratories began offering on September 24, 2016 on behalf of a testing laboratory that Bostwick Laboratories neither owns nor operates.

During Bostwick Laboratories' most recent Quality Assurance /Quality Control audit, we were not able to confirm that the testing laboratory had conducted the CLIA-required clinical validation of these three tests, We have been informed that the tests were validated by another affiliated laboratory, but as defined by Federal regulations, that validation is NOT transferable for these types of tests to affiliate laboratories. We also determined that the testing laboratory DOES NOT have a NEW YORK STATE permit which is required under State of New York State Department of Health- Clinical Laboratories Evaluation Program (CLEP) guidelines. These guidelines prohibit us, as a New York State permitted-laboratory, from referring specimens to a non- New York State permitted laboratory.

More bad news...

We are writing to inform you that we have ceased marketing three tests, Prosta Seq, Wound Seq and Ura Seq, that Bostwick Laboratories began offering on September 24, 2016 on behalf of a testing laboratory that Bostwick Laboratories neither owns nor operates.

During Bostwick Laboratories' most recent Quality Assurance /Quality Control audit, we were not able to confirm that the testing laboratory had conducted the CLIA-required clinical validation of these three tests, We have been informed that the tests were validated by another affiliated laboratory, but as defined by Federal regulations, that validation is NOT transferable for these types of tests to affiliate laboratories. We also determined that the testing laboratory DOES NOT have a NEW YORK STATE permit which is required under State of New York State Department of Health- Clinical Laboratories Evaluation Program (CLEP) guidelines. These guidelines prohibit us, as a New York State permitted-laboratory, from referring specimens to a non- New York State permitted laboratory.

Apparently the same applies to the Women's health testing Bostwick Labs is doing as well although its not mentioned here. All assays are being done by DGB owned web of lies companies that he has created in Richmond. DGB should be held personally and criminally accountable for improper testing done by one of his companies and reported by another of his companies.

Laid off or ran off all scientists at company. Betsy and DGB minions trying to figure out how to replace the loss of QA manager and vp of science in less than two weeks. There are three technicians left in the company. Very sad to watch a power house cro fall so quickly under direction of nut jobs

More bad news...

We are writing to inform you that we have ceased marketing three tests, Prosta Seq, Wound Seq and Ura Seq, that Bostwick Laboratories began offering on September 24, 2016 on behalf of a testing laboratory that Bostwick Laboratories neither owns nor operates.

During Bostwick Laboratories' most recent Quality Assurance /Quality Control audit, we were not able to confirm that the testing laboratory had conducted the CLIA-required clinical validation of these three tests, We have been informed that the tests were validated by another affiliated laboratory, but as defined by Federal regulations, that validation is NOT transferable for these types of tests to affiliate laboratories. We also determined that the testing laboratory DOES NOT have a NEW YORK STATE permit which is required under State of New York State Department of Health- Clinical Laboratories Evaluation Program (CLEP) guidelines. These guidelines prohibit us, as a New York State permitted-laboratory, from referring specimens to a non- New York State permitted laboratory.[/QUOT

Seems like an official statement from BL. Bostwick labs does not own but how Bosrwick or wife?

Shouldn't a lab conduct verification of a referral lab prior to beginning to offer the test. It also seems that prior to selling a test you should check validation. Seems to me BL is guilty of setting a lab to lab relationship with out required due diligence.

Scary stuff.

this is all true and accurate. bostwick's company granger genetics/aibiotech (someone tell me or the govt what the difference is) is running the wound seq, prosta seq, ura seq womens health test through granger and it was not validated. leadership knew this. they were told and retold. they are reporting results out to physicians to act upon without a true validation- this is criminal and completely unsafe for patients. Bostwick labs was 100% correct to STOP immediately all testing with granger. And it was not at the urging of D Bostwick- he was forced. now granger is trying to recapture the business bostwick brought in by targeting their clients and sending a bogus letter saying the test was developed 3 yrs ago...duh- when did granger go into business- not 3 yrs ago. If the brain trust at that company (both being bostwicks) has a lick of sense between the two of them they would put patient safety NOT greed and money first. I for one hope they have to answer to regulators and the govt on their misdoings in business. Stop blaming other people for your lack of being able to run your business- hire a business manager, CEO or whatever you want to title them. just because you read books on business or had someone read them to you does not mean you are qualified. I hope the remaining poor souls there are able to get out before implosion or imprisonment.

Fat lady singing from the roof top while Karma in full swing. So well deserved! David is quite possibly the only individual who could sink the Titantic more than once!!

Quick tally of the last couple weeks: Bostwick Labs: Bankrupt. AIBioTech: Shutdown. Granger: Hit the iceberg, taking on water, David bailing with a tiny bucket. Yep, completely agree.

Quick tally of the last couple weeks: Bostwick Labs: Bankrupt. AIBioTech: Shutdown. Granger: Hit the iceberg, taking on water, David bailing with a tiny bucket. Yep, completely agree.

News from the Grand Master ...Dave's worthless tests will be ready to hit the market next week. A day late and 5.4 million dollars short! Failure continues.