Where do people go after quitting Forest

Not true...two reps in my area left for Medtronics and Amgen. They both had been at Forest for nearly 10yrs. I also know of a NYC rep who got a job in device. It can happen for those willing to work hard

very lucky and for them and a good job of selling themselves to these companies. It is critical to know someone at these companies who will push you and for some reps it helps if they have the same call points. Other than that, it is very tough especially the medtronic. I know someone who made the transition to medtronic before he hit the 7 or 8 yr mark. But he had cultivated a good relationship with the top EP physician in the area and this helped his cause.
without these extra efforts, you will not tbe hired

very lucky and for them and a good job of selling themselves to these companies. It is critical to know someone at these companies who will push you and for some reps it helps if they have the same call points. Other than that, it is very tough especially the medtronic. I know someone who made the transition to medtronic before he hit the 7 or 8 yr mark. But he had cultivated a good relationship with the top EP physician in the area and this helped his cause.
without these extra efforts, you will not tbe hired

Exactly, excellent point

very lucky and for them and a good job of selling themselves to these companies. It is critical to know someone at these companies who will push you and for some reps it helps if they have the same call points. Other than that, it is very tough especially the medtronic. I know someone who made the transition to medtronic before he hit the 7 or 8 yr mark. But he had cultivated a good relationship with the top EP physician in the area and this helped his cause.
without these extra efforts, you will not tbe hired

I call BS! You don't "need" to know anyone to get hired at one of these places or any device job for that matter. Sure, it certainly helps. If Clay Aiken can become a celebrity and go on to win Celebrity Apprentice and work for Trump then I can score a job at one of these places! I guess I'll find out next week if I can overcome the odds and win. If Clay can do it so can't I!!!!

My husband became a dentist after he left forest. He works hard and is the best dentist ever. I hope I never leave forest. I love bringing so many great products to doctors. Hope this clears everything up

Go start your own business, or purchase an existing one, google business brokers in your area and see what is for sale, you may be suprised

Great idea. I know a few reps who have left to open their own businesses, restaurant and day care. Once you leave pharma, reality sets in an you will have to bust your butt. The gravy chain ends here.

I call BS! You don't "need" to know anyone to get hired at one of these places or any device job for that matter. Sure, it certainly helps. If Clay Aiken can become a celebrity and go on to win Celebrity Apprentice and work for Trump then I can score a job at one of these places! I guess I'll find out next week if I can overcome the odds and win. If Clay can do it so can't I!!!!

BS?? Oh Really?? Have you tried to get into medtronic or st jude or others?
Try it, you will see how if you dont do what was the previous post said , your chances are ZERO.
YOUR ONLY hope is to get out of pharma after one or two years, otherwise you will be branded with the pharma label and have a difficult time getting in.
I know pharm reps who have transition, but most knew somebody, a foremer colleague, manager or friend.
Of you have develped great relationship with a few invasive cardiologists.

I call BS! You don't "need" to know anyone to get hired at one of these places or any device job for that matter. Sure, it certainly helps. If Clay Aiken can become a celebrity and go on to win Celebrity Apprentice and work for Trump then I can score a job at one of these places! I guess I'll find out next week if I can overcome the odds and win. If Clay can do it so can't I!!!!

You believe a media cirrcus ? Clay is full of shit and i am sure he was connected to someone on the inside. Come on , how could you be so gullible!!!

I call BS! You don't "need" to know anyone to get hired at one of these places or any device job for that matter. Sure, it certainly helps. If Clay Aiken can become a celebrity and go on to win Celebrity Apprentice and work for Trump then I can score a job at one of these places! I guess I'll find out next week if I can overcome the odds and win. If Clay can do it so can't I!!!!

you better have a list of top docs you know!!! and good luck

BS?? Oh Really?? Have you tried to get into medtronic or st jude or others?
Try it, you will see how if you dont do what was the previous post said , your chances are ZERO.
YOUR ONLY hope is to get out of pharma after one or two years, otherwise you will be branded with the pharma label and have a difficult time getting in.
I know pharm reps who have transition, but most knew somebody, a foremer colleague, manager or friend.
Of you have develped great relationship with a few invasive cardiologists.

Simply not true, that is the FACT Mr. Know-it-all. Was not that hard to get into device. Resourcefullness Einstein. ^^^^Dork

Simply not true, that is the FACT Mr. Know-it-all. Was not that hard to get into device. Resourcefullness Einstein. ^^^^Dork

Same here...Forest rep for 7 yrs.....had no prob getting into device. No one helped me. Anything is possible, you just have to really want it and you have to really work hard

There are different levels of medical device. It's pretty easy to get into entry level device such as disposables. It's very difficult to get into OR sales or capital without prior experience.

your a stupid b&%ch!!

It's "you're", not "your". While YOU'RE calling someone else stupid.

It's true most device companies don't want pharma experience, but Forest does tend to be the one exception they will hire from. They see Forest reps the same way they see copier reps. Key is to not stay too long - that would be "complacency". I worked for Forest years ago and still can't believe I survived it. Now making over 250/yr in device and my Forest manager still tries to talk to doctors about "loyalty". Haha! If I had been "loyal" I'd still be miserable and talking about pre-call planning instead of basically running my own business and making more than she is. What a joke. Good luck to all of you. Forest can actually be a good bullet on the resume because it shows you can survive. Best of luck to all of you trying to get out of there. The grass really is greener.

Use your time at Forest wisely to develop an exit strategy. I was able to start a business while I was there, build it, and now I run it full time. I make considerably more money, and I go to work loving what I do. Now, I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for Forest, but it is only a matter of time before the job, company, and industry start to suck the life out of you. When you are new, you feel like you are saving lives, but after you realize the true nature of the pharma industry, you understand that the guys in the lab are saving lives. It is a fantastic job for the young, under-experienced, and nieve, but once you start to see things for how they truly are, you will realize that this may not be the best place to be.

I understand that you have to take care of your family, but if you want to be an example for your kids - don't settle. Use your time to put yourself in a position to do what you love. That will inspire those around you to reach for something greater. Also, don't feel bad about using your time to get yourself to a better place. Forest would cut you loose without a seconds hesitation. I made a plan, and now I am building a business that with a little grace, luck, and hard work will provide an opportunity for my family for years to come.

Use your time at Forest wisely to develop an exit strategy. I was able to start a business while I was there, build it, and now I run it full time. I make considerably more money, and I go to work loving what I do. Now, I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for Forest, but it is only a matter of time before the job, company, and industry start to suck the life out of you. When you are new, you feel like you are saving lives, but after you realize the true nature of the pharma industry, you understand that the guys in the lab are saving lives. It is a fantastic job for the young, under-experienced, and nieve, but once you start to see things for how they truly are, you will realize that this may not be the best place to be.

I understand that you have to take care of your family, but if you want to be an example for your kids - don't settle. Use your time to put yourself in a position to do what you love. That will inspire those around you to reach for something greater. Also, don't feel bad about using your time to get yourself to a better place. Forest would cut you loose without a seconds hesitation. I made a plan, and now I am building a business that with a little grace, luck, and hard work will provide an opportunity for my family for years to come.

Good for you! All the best

Great question. I hope serious answers will be received since this can really help a lot of people.

I moved onto Allergan...have never been happier. Great manager who has YEARS of managerial experience who is respectful, non-bullying and really knows how to motivate me.

What division? I'm looking into an opening with Eye Care selling Combigan/Lumigan/Alphagan....thoughts?