Where are they now?

After spending a good portion of our adult life at Roche, would it not be nice to know what ever happened to.....? Here is my list.
Milt Stomatos-pharmacy
Herb Conrad-VP
Conrad Wittmer-prof serv
Bruce Medd, MD- prof serv
Phil elvecchio- MD, prof serv
Bob Frisa- sales
Judy Maironne (?)- his admin
Michelle Botitta- admin
Don Schoenwald- RSM
Jerry Davenport- RSM
Gene Venegoni- DSM
Domenick Serra- Account Manager, FL.
Bick Atherton-PSM and others; Don ....
--- Greene, PharmD- prof serv
I'll think of others.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
After spending a good portion of our adult life at Roche, would it not be nice to know what ever happened to.....? Here is my list.
Milt Stomatos-pharmacy
Herb Conrad-VP
Conrad Wittmer-prof serv
Bruce Medd, MD- prof serv
Phil elvecchio- MD, prof serv
Bob Frisa- sales
Judy Maironne (?)- his admin
Michelle Botitta- admin
Don Schoenwald- RSM
Jerry Davenport- RSM
Gene Venegoni- DSM
Domenick Serra- Account Manager, FL.
Bick Atherton-PSM and others; Don ....
--- Greene, PharmD- prof serv
I'll think of others.

Domenick Serra. He is still an Account Manager in Florida, but you wouldn't know it based on his lack of success. Here is a guy who in over three years has not had one formulary win, (I will define a win as being exclusive or a co-pay/ tier advantage over the competition. Yes, it can be done as Merck and P&G have been doing it to us ever since we launched Boniva). In addition to that he has made it openly known that he is riding out his current position until he retires. What a joke! Is anyone held accountable in Managed Markets? Unfortunately, it is the sales force that suffers along with our bonuses.

Okay, now you are showing your true colors. Define "well'? First of all as President of Publicis (which is a major Ad agency), NC earns just as much, if not more than any large Pharma CEO or major Biotech CEO. In addition, unless you now something the rest of us do not know, running any kind of division still requires a lot of skill sets. The size of the organization doesn't matter much because many of the issues are the same. Whether they are FDA, manufacturing, R&D, sales, etc. In fact, I would think that managing the smaller organizations with less available resources may be a little tougher than managing large organizations made up of few difference makers and a majority of mediocre personell. Get your facts straight. VC's do "well" because they make sound investments in talented people who can gain access to quality technologies.
Leaders like Saltz et al, ran a quality organization when they were in charge and they have had continued success in smaller organizations. Yes, I was around in those days and while mistakes were made, the successes far outnumbered the failures, which is no longer the case. Saltz always had a positive attitude and it rubbed off on many people. When he left, the organization's leadership went with him and it seems to be that it has yet to recapture any of it's lost luster. It's too bad that you're so bitter, because it sounds like the company can truly use some people with positive "can-do" behavior, even when times are tough.

Hahaha - Ad Agency CEO - they dont make anything near a Pharma CEO. Again, what are you guys smoking.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
After spending a good portion of our adult life at Roche, would it not be nice to know what ever happened to.....? Here is my list.
Milt Stomatos-pharmacy
Herb Conrad-VP
Conrad Wittmer-prof serv
Bruce Medd, MD- prof serv
Phil elvecchio- MD, prof serv
Bob Frisa- sales
Judy Maironne (?)- his admin
Michelle Botitta- admin
Don Schoenwald- RSM
Jerry Davenport- RSM
Gene Venegoni- DSM
Domenick Serra- Account Manager, FL.
Bick Atherton-PSM and others; Don ....
--- Greene, PharmD- prof serv
I'll think of others.

Domenick Serra. He is still an Account Manager in Florida, but you wouldn't know it based on his lack of success. Here is a guy who in over three years has not had one formulary win, (I will define a win as being exclusive or a co-pay/ tier advantage over the competition. Yes, it can be done as Merck and P&G have been doing it to us ever since we launched Boniva). In addition to that he has made it openly known that he is riding out his current position until he retires. What a joke! Is anyone held accountable in Managed Markets? Unfortunately, it is the sales force that suffers along with our bonuses.

Who slipped 'Domenick Serra' in the list? Who is he? You actually typed the whole list again and slipped the name in? Wow.

Hahaha - Ad Agency CEO - they dont make anything near a Pharma CEO. Again, what are you guys smoking.

And you know this how? Get your facts straight buddy. He's in charge of a six million dollar empire of which they run with 50-70% margins in some cases. Much more profitable than any pharma company and most biotech companies. Their bonuses alone can exceed $500K and usually they are higher. How much do you think all CEO's make, really. Don't look at a select few pharma companies which are paying in the millions when they have to cast out their demons. Get yourself a comp study before you make idiotic comments like this one.

We seemed to be a lot classier organization in those days. Patient care and how they were helped by our drugs were what was focused on. They at least tried to align our business intiatives with our customers. Now they have lost all sight of this. Even Sudovar with his issues made good business deals, except for the last stick it to Roche with trading Coreg for Kytril.

you have some of your facts wrong

G. Choy J&J Heaptology Executive Director Global operations
H. Gearhart WellCare HMO Vice President (officer of the company)
V. Doherty alive and well and raking in the bucks consulting
D. Wilson thriving as a consultant
P. Higgins Executive VP Pharmacette, up and coming biotech, he will have the last laugh
C. Geddes Wyeth Vaccine division VP (nice promotion!)
J. Leal Novartis VP marketing and sales

Seems like the Hepatology people landed nicely on their feet. It was a great place to develop and at one time a great place to work. Any nay sayers were just lugs who dragged the group down.

you have some of your facts wrong

G. Choy J&J Heaptology Executive Director Global operations
H. Gearhart WellCare HMO Vice President (officer of the company)
V. Doherty alive and well and raking in the bucks consulting
D. Wilson thriving as a consultant
P. Higgins Executive VP Pharmacette, up and coming biotech, he will have the last laugh
C. Geddes Wyeth Vaccine division VP (nice promotion!)
J. Leal Novartis VP marketing and sales

Seems like the Hepatology people landed nicely on their feet. It was a great place to develop and at one time a great place to work. Any nay sayers were just lugs who dragged the group down.

Lynn Harac - starring role Big world little people

you have some of your facts wrong

G. Choy J&J Heaptology Executive Director Global operations
H. Gearhart WellCare HMO Vice President (officer of the company)
V. Doherty alive and well and raking in the bucks consulting
D. Wilson thriving as a consultant
P. Higgins Executive VP Pharmacette, up and coming biotech, he will have the last laugh
C. Geddes Wyeth Vaccine division VP (nice promotion!)
J. Leal Novartis VP marketing and sales

Seems like the Hepatology people landed nicely on their feet. It was a great place to develop and at one time a great place to work. Any nay sayers were just lugs who dragged the group down.

Consultant is a nice way of saying unemployed. I heard Doherty took a rep job recently. How many of your other facts are wrong?

After spending a good portion of our adult life at Roche, would it not be nice to know what ever happened to.....? Here is my list.
Milt Stomatos-pharmacy
Herb Conrad-VP
Conrad Wilmar-prof serv
Bruce Medd, MD- prof serv
Phil elvecchio- MD, prof serv
Bob Frisa- sales
Judy Maironne (?)- his admin
Michelle Botitta- admin
Don Schoenwald- RSM
Jerry Davenport- RSM
Gene Venegoni- DSM
Bick Atherton-PSM and others;
Suzanne Greene, PharmD- prof serv
I'll think of others.

I guess I should apologize for starting this. From reading these posts is appears few give a care about this. Lots of insulting and name calling for the most part. Too bad. These boards really are full of malcontents. I give up on cafe pharma. It is a good porn site though, under general and playground boards. What a world.

you have some of your facts wrong

G. Choy J&J Heaptology Executive Director Global operations
H. Gearhart WellCare HMO Vice President (officer of the company)
V. Doherty alive and well and raking in the bucks consulting
D. Wilson thriving as a consultant
P. Higgins Executive VP Pharmacette, up and coming biotech, he will have the last laugh
C. Geddes Wyeth Vaccine division VP (nice promotion!)
J. Leal Novartis VP marketing and sales

Seems like the Hepatology people landed nicely on their feet. It was a great place to develop and at one time a great place to work. Any nay sayers were just lugs who dragged the group down.

Looks like somethings never change. Thanks for the update Merilee have you and Gary adopted yet???


I guess I should apologize for starting this. From reading these posts is appears few give a care about this. Lots of insulting and name calling for the most part. Too bad. These boards really are full of malcontents. I give up on cafe pharma. It is a good porn site though, under general and playground boards. What a world.

Don't apologize. I think you have given others a forum to find out positive things about really good people. Don't let the negative naysayers bring you down. They are jealous because they haven't accomplished much themselves. For instance, consultants are not unemployed rather many of them have taken stock of themselves (and their former companies) and have semi-retired. Let's face it, there are several billionaires that consult after retirement because they want to keep busy. I guess you can say they're unemployed too. Don't give into the immaturity rather allow for the positive ex-employees to have a forum.

wow, what a sad place Roche has become. So much hatred. Gosh what did these people do to you to make you so full of self loathing that you have to lash out. My experience with M & G Choy, V. Doherty, H. Gerahart, and P. Higgins was exceptional. In fact HG helped me secure a great job when I left and went out of her way to provide excellent references. Higgins and Leal were the backbone of the hay days in Roche HCV. I feel so sorry for all of those that have hatred so deep in your hearts. That is very sad for you and those around you. Seek therapy as you are the ones dying on the vine while those you hate are flourishing. Look at yourself and stop blaming others for your short comings. I myself am thankful for my association with each and everyone mentioned.

wow, what a sad place Roche has become. So much hatred. Gosh what did these people do to you to make you so full of self loathing that you have to lash out. My experience with M & G Choy, V. Doherty, H. Gerahart, and P. Higgins was exceptional. In fact HG helped me secure a great job when I left and went out of her way to provide excellent references. Higgins and Leal were the backbone of the hay days in Roche HCV. I feel so sorry for all of those that have hatred so deep in your hearts. That is very sad for you and those around you. Seek therapy as you are the ones dying on the vine while those you hate are flourishing. Look at yourself and stop blaming others for your short comings. I myself am thankful for my association with each and everyone mentioned.

Nice try, Heidi. We know you are a frequent flyer on here and that you respond to posts. Glad to see that the Prozac is working for you and that you may have let go of your own self hatred.
How is your family? They are the ones that paid the biggest price.

Consultant is a nice way of saying unemployed. I heard Doherty took a rep job recently. How many of your other facts are wrong?

Roche is an inept company. Best any former mid manager can do is land at a no name consulting group, agency, or a wannabe pharma company. pat Higgins is an example - he managed a group of 200 sales reps. So how does that make him an executive. These posts are all funny but not sure why there is so many people wishing for something more than what reality has shown = Roche is a non starter.