When will we start back in the field? May 1st??


Will it be as a whole company or can
they do waves based on regions??

I’m not going back in until I have a signed document saying Novartis assumes all liability if I get sick. There’s no vaccine and cases are still rising in my area. I listen to the scientific experts, not a CEO who doesn’t have my best interests.

‘Clearly this is something that is hurting from the standpoint of economics and the standpoint of things that have nothing to do with the virus, but unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery economically is not going to happen,’ Dr. Fauci said.

‘So what you do if you jump the gun and go into a situation where you have a big spike, you’re going to set yourself back. So as painful as it is to go by the careful guidelines of gradually phasing into a reopening, it’s going to backfire.’

If you are relatively healthy then just get sick and get over it. Then you will be protected and safer to be around others. Sure, you might die but the chances are very slim. Life itself is hazardous.

If you are relatively healthy then just get sick and get over it. Then you will be protected and safer to be around others. Sure, you might die but the chances are very slim. Life itself is hazardous.

Yes, only a “select segment of the population” dies so why should we give a shite even if I’m a carrier who’s asymptomatic. I will sue the shite out Novartis if I get it.

Everyone on this post is “less than knowledgeable “ (no need to use the R word). If you think any of your practices will let you in in two weeks, you’re freakin delusional and are an r-tard. Any account which requires Vendormate or reptrax will require testing results showing negative test results or you ain’t getting past the front door (plus wearing a mask, gloves and probably signing a waiver). Dumb fucks

Everyone on this post is “less than knowledgeable “ (no need to use the R word). If you think any of your practices will let you in in two weeks, you’re freakin delusional and are an r-tard. Any account which requires Vendormate or reptrax will require testing results showing negative test results or you ain’t getting past the front door (plus wearing a mask, gloves and probably signing a waiver). Dumb fucks

Well since we don't have any drugs that we sell in the hospital (Entresto is a primary care, outpatient drug despite what they tell you) no one really needs to worry about reptrax or vendormate. So stop being a r***** with your stupid post peasant.

Those with good relationships will be getting back to "normal" pretty fast. These offices are so hard up for lunches I don't see too many closing up.

I would say June 1st back in the field. Except if you live in NY,NJ,CT,MI,CA. That will happen in waves. The risk is you getting it and giving it to a senior citizen in the office.