PC Fast Start Meetings

1) Open Door
2) Walk to counter
3) Decide which Dozen looks more appetizing, Jelly, Chocolate Frosted , Old Fashion
4) Add Box of Joe
5) Deliver to office cows
6) drop off a sample
7) stand around for 15 minutes wait for signature
8) Say hi to Doctor & ask how weekend was with the 6 seconds of time allowed
9) Leave premise
10) Wave to other rep going in

Head to Bagel store
Repeat steps 1-10
Change #3 to Decide on Plain, Onion & various cream cheeses

Repeat process 4 times
Text friends
Check Facebook
Check voicemail
Lunch with co worker near the mall

Walk aimlessly into 5 more offices with glazed expression & ask receptionist if they need samples. Book Lunch , leave .
Repeat 5 x
End day at 2:45
Drive aimlessly until 4-4:30 entering bogus calls
Pick up free dinner from caterer

Feed the litter
Masterbate again
Cry again
Check linkedin
Convince yourself how valuable you are

it's just a ride

Well, wouldn't that be the training department/ or certain Sr. Leadership.... Whoever...secretly despises the PC field and uses this 2-3 times a year power to make 3 hours of your life miserable. Nice people, huh? Other backward pharma companies are even worse! But, there are companies out there that listen and respect their people, just start talking to others about their culture.

The brand team are the people responsible for "trying" to make role playing a miserable and uncomfortable situation. They think putting you on the spot, under lots of pressure makes you a better sales person! So sad how disconnected from reality they are!

The brand team are the people responsible for "trying" to make role playing a miserable and uncomfortable situation. They think putting you on the spot, under lots of pressure makes you a better sales person! So sad how disconnected from reality they are!

Exactly, why they should be called "Fist Start Meetings". Can't you just feel it?

Exactly, why they should be called "Fist Start Meetings". Can't you just feel it?

Moving forward, for those that are left, if the brand team continues this type of shocking the monkey so to speak, the door of the meetings should be named " fist start"....who ever came up with this is a character! Lol..

They are really going to have us role play and not address the elephant in the room? Leadership needs to role play how to have a real, straight forward teleconference with a plan for the future. Stop hiding behind bullshit emails and give us answers already.

They are really going to have us role play and not address the elephant in the room? Leadership needs to role play how to have a real, straight forward teleconference with a plan for the future. Stop hiding behind bullshit emails and give us answers already.

You'll know things are serious if the elephant in the room is wearing a condom.

Do they really want us to spend time at this meeting to work on our business plan? We most likely won't be selling Exelon Patch further than this trimester. The only plan we will be doing is looking for another job.

Do they really want us to spend time at this meeting to work on our business plan? We most likely won't be selling Exelon Patch further than this trimester. The only plan we will be doing is looking for another job.

With all this fisting we will have the experience to sell to gynecologists and proctologists.